ESL North America CEO Yvette Martinez-Rea never expected to work in professional video gaming. After seven years at Yahoo, where she served as VP in her final role, she left the company and briefly worked as the COO of a venture-backed beauty e-commerce startup. She became bored pretty quickly due to a lack of innovation and went looking again a year later. That’s when someone slipped her a tip to go talk to those folks over in esports.
Martinez-Rea, who lives in L.A., has never been a gamer. She didn’t think ESL, the world’s largest esports organization, content house and tournament producer, would be a good fit. But she was blown away by the fan engagement numbers, calling them “just so crazy” at a time four years ago when the industry had yet to be well commercialized. She felt the industry was still flying under the radar but was on to something big. So she took the job and ascended to the role of CEO for the global company’s U.S. business two years ago.
She’s now responsible for the organization’s day-to-day operations and strategy, and is crucial to the company’s work in increasing diversity, accessibility and athlete wellness. Part of that work is reducing chatroom toxicity on Twitch, creating opportunities for women in the sport, investing in athlete health and wellness to reduce burnout, expanding mobile esports to improve economic inclusion, and building out collegiate interest to create a funnel to the pros. One thing is for certain, she says: esports are not going away. I f anything, they’ll become a more prevalent form of entertainment over the next few years.
What’s so attractive about esports?
One of the frustrating things for us in esports is when people come in and go, ‘Oh, it’s just like traditional sports or just like media, or just like this.’ What makes it really fascinating is it actually represents a shift in all of those models coming together.
You’ve got technology that’s influencing how people consume content. You’ve got changing advertising distribution models. Our audience, for example, most of them adblock. So now people have to think, ‘Hey, I used to monetize Yahoo by putting ads on it but now I have users who don’t ad.’ I have players not playing in traditional stadiums, most of the time. They can play at home and at different places so that changes the whole nature of how you build and develop teams. It’s really shifting something traditional, and to me, that convergence is really interesting and exciting.
When you look at our audience and our fans, they’re mostly male and they’re mostly young. They’re engaging differently with content and with each other than past generations. They start digital first and often will form relationships over literally oceans and not meet each other and know each other in physical form for years and years and years but still call each other best friends. So it’s completely shifting this notion of how you become friends with someone. They often will interact on social media while they’re playing, and talk not just about the game but what’s also going on in their lives. They are reshaping everything that’s been in terms of how you consume and interact with sports and media.
What can traditional sports learn from esports?
We do think there’s a lot for traditional sports to learn from us, but we also think there’s a lot still for esports to learn from traditional sports. From that perspective, for instance, we’re still really nascent in our ability to find amateur-to-professional players. That process in traditional sports is very mature, very developed, very well-understood across sports. In esports, it’s still not. We often think about how we can learn from them to find talent, cultivate it, and how to take care of it, because we’re dealing with young people. Also, what is betting going to do to our space? There are certain things where traditional sports are farther ahead of us.
The other direction where we get a lot of questions really has to do with how you engage with this age group. If you actually come to one of our events and sit in a stadium, it actually feels like a traditional sports event. People are cheering and they’re wearing their jerseys and it feels like you’re at a Lakers game. But if you look around, no one is looking at their phone. And that’s because the action is just so much faster, that if you look down, you’re just missing it. Traditional sports hate that they can’t even get fans to the stadium, and then when they are there, they’re looking down at their phones, not really consuming it. It has something to do with the pace of play. So traditional sports should think about what else they can offer so they’re creating an experience that fans have to look at and engage with.
How are esports taking advantage of data?
There’s a huge amount of data available to you to make you better. We can real-time tell you: ‘OK, you play Counterstrike and you play this map in this way and you keep stumbling in these places. Here are pro players that play that same map in a similar style that you play. Here’s what they do and here’s this real-time data and now we can cultivate and give you information to change your play.’ That’s just by virtue of the technology that’s available to us … every individual player can have a customized path to advance and get better. With traditional sports, you’re relying on coaches and maybe your own intuition on how to get better. My kid is a competitive soccer player and maybe his dad videotaped the game, but he doesn’t have real-time information coming back to him saying, ‘Hey, four times out of five you kick left when you should be kicking right, and here’s why, here are what the pros do.’

We see collegiate esports expanding, what’s the state of that?
In the U.S., college is a big interest for us for a variety of big reasons. There’s really nothing more American than collegiate fandom at the end of the day, so it’s really essential for us to tap into not just fans at that level but also athletes and students.
However, most of our competitors and fans are starting to be at the high-end of the age for a collegiate level. So none of us know exactly yet how that will end up fitting into the development period. In fact, because of the rules around collegiate sports, a lot of colleges have stayed away from sanctioning it with the athletic department because a lot of our players are pros and if they were to go to college under an athletic varsity team, they’d have to stop playing for money. There’s a lot of complexity that still needs to be sorted out. The good news is every college we know is super into it, it’s just no one quite knows how to navigate: ‘Well, is it football or is it not?’
Having said that, we have a lot of fun putting on collegiate tournaments. We have a collegiate series right now with primarily League of Legends and we’ll add other games this year. What’s fun about that is it allows for a greater level of diversity and inclusion. What we find is that on college campuses, because of the nature of the campuses already, they’re set up to be more inclusive. Women feel just as welcome to play and be a part of esports clubs. In fact, many of the esports clubs are run by women. The fans tend to have more women in the audience. So for us it’s a really nice thing to have a different mix.
Well, that leads us into the topic of diversity. What is being done to improve the slanted numbers?
We’ve spent the last five years investing with Intel on this very specific issue. We primarily started from the perspective that we needed to do research to understand what the key drivers are that we could shift to make meaningful change in this area. We fund a researcher at MIT named T.L. Taylor. She’s considered the foremost expert in diversity in gaming. We fund her research and she basically comes to us and says, ‘Here are some of the key barriers that are stopping women and other minorities from participating at pro levels.’ So then we take that and create programs that we think will address those issues.
One of the issues she’s identified is this sense of environment of toxicity for people to self-select out, even if they’re just playing casually. Or self-select out even from watching tournaments on Twitch because the chatrooms are relatively toxic. We launched with Twitch, Intel and the AnyKey team what we call the GLHF Pledge : I’m not going to be a jerk online and if someone else is being a jerk online I’m not going to put up with it. Basically, I’m not going to behave that way and I’m not going to let others behave that way. What happens is when you take that pledge, Twitch unlocks a badge. It sounds silly, but if you go and watch Fortnite and you see a bunch of badges pop up—my daughter goes, ‘Oh, that’s a stream I want to watch because that tells you this community right now is nice and they’re not going to let trolls come after me.’ We have about 350,000 signatures already and our goal is to get to 1 million by the end of 2020, which is just a drop in the bucket in gaming but that’s a start.
Another initiative that we are working on is to do some boot camps for female teams. One of the things that came out of Taylor’s research is she’s shown that at the amatuer levels and casual levels, you have a lot of women playing and teams coming together and they’re playing really well. But as they start to advance, men’s teams start to get picked up. And even if the female team were to also get picked up, typically the male teams are more well funded and they get more support, not unlike women’s soccer 10 years ago. Very quickly the level of play differential starts to show itself. And then it’s like, wait a second, are the women not as good or are they not as good because these guys are getting more time to practice together, getting more coaching, getting more support? So we started to work on creating some boot camps just for female teams. They still have to qualify for the tournaments on their own, but we wanted to get them the same access to professional coaching, psychologists—all of the same stuff a lot of the male teams get. We’re very active in trying to tell the stories of all the women, folks with disabilities and minorities who are already in esports and doing very well … You have to see it to be it. And you have to have a certain amount of seeing it, and getting it popular and super cool, until you get those younger generations to go, ‘Oh, this is a path I can take.’
How is mobile gaming growing and playing a role in esports?
We have this philosophy at ESL that says anybody can be somebody . But the thing we love most about esports is there’s no physical, geographic or language limitation. There’s no reason anyone can’t be a pro. But the thing people don’t really talk about is that up until this point, esports have been primarily PC-based. To be highly competitive, having a good rig is a $5,000 investment, easy. Really it is an affluent sport, so there is a barrier. You also have to live in a country with really high bandwidth. The thing that excited us most about mobile is that it will take away so many of those barriers. That iPhone you have is more powerful than the current generation of consoles. Now the games are being developed to allow gameplay on mobile at a highly competitive level.
We launched the ESL Mobile Open. Anyone in the U.S., Canada and Mexico can play. We worked with some of the publishers very closely to reduce friction, which is another key element to get people to participate. It’s not only changing the economic diversity, but our winner of the Asphalt 9 tournament just a couple seasons ago was a kid from Mexico who had never left Mexico. And we’re seeing more women. One of our top PUBG mobile teams a season ago had a female captain. And because mobile was a more nascent platform for PUBG, she was able to establish herself in a way she could never penetrate on a PC.
What’s next for esports?
It’s not going away. I think we’ve established that it will become, if anything, a more prevalent form of entertainment, which is really what it is. One of the things that people misunderstand about esports is that it isn’t one thing, it’s multiple games and on multiple platforms. You’re going to continue to see that cycle. You’ll have the core six to seven major titles that will command a very large market share. That will be your Call of Dutys and your Counter-Strikes. But you’re going to continue to see the cycle of other smaller games. And Fortnite is a great example of something that’s enormous but it’s unclear whether it will have longevity as an esport. Very much because it might not need to. It may just be a game that’s really fun and Epic might not want to build an esports property around it.
I think mobile is going to dramatically transform the type of tournaments and competitors we see. No one has quite figured out the right model to package esports in a way that can be consumed with fans as they age out. But in the next five years there will be a lot of advancement in that. There will be people coming out of traditional media or traditional sports thinking how can I take these six to 12-hour really confusing and really intense tournaments and start to package them and tell stories around them in ways the average person who isn’t a Counter-Strike fanatic can start to consume and understand?
I think the main shift you’ll see over the next five years is broader mainstream adoption, but that won’t happen until you get the Big Bang Theory of esports. There’s going to have to be something that bridges culturally for the people who ultimately don’t really know what’s happening on the screen.