The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority said that the "black zinc panels that form the exterior of U.S. Bank Stadium leak more than previously revealed and must all be replaced" at a cost of $21M over the next two years, according to Rochelle Olson of the Minneapolis STAR TRIBUNE. The costs will be "split among the building's general contractor, Golden Valley-based M.A. Mortenson Co., and seven others." Neither Minnesota taxpayers nor the Vikings will "pay to replace the panels, which came undone and leaked months before" the $1.1B building opened in August '16. The replacement work "won’t affect any scheduled events, including Vikings games." However, the stadium, not yet four years old, will be "visibly under repair for at least another two years because a signature design element failed." Mortenson Senior VP John Wood said that the leaks "weren't substantial." Olson noted water "wasn't gushing into the building, and it could easily be mopped up." In all, 250,000 square feet of the exterior will be "torn off and replaced" and the "new zinc panels will be of similar color and dimension" (Minneapolis STAR TRIBUNE, 2/29).
U.S. Bank Stadium To Undergo $21M In Leak Repairs Over Next Two Years