Kansas Sends Ticket Buyers Survey As They Prep For Return Of Fans

The survey was sent to all KU donors, season-ticket holders and single-game ticket buyers GETTY IMAGES

The Univ. of Kansas athletic department is "conducting an online survey to gauge fan interest in attending KU sporting events in the fall and beyond" as staffers "prepare for the eventual return of fans to KU's athletic venues," according to Matt Tait of the LAWRENCE JOURNAL-WORLD. The survey was sent to "all donors, season-ticket holders and single-game ticket buyers" and asks several questions about each recipient's "level of concern" about the coronavirus pandemic's impact on their health and finances. Additionally, it asks the following questions about potential game day experiences:

  • How would social distancing practices impact your desire to attend live sporting events when they return?
  • Assuming proper precautions are taken, how soon would you attend KU events?
  • How likely are you to participate in non-game entertainment, such as tailgating and donor events?
  • How concerned are you about entering the facilities?

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