NHLPA Exec Dir Donald Fehr Says Safety Key For League's Return

NHLPA Exec Dir Donald Fehr said if the league can "safely" return amid the coronavirus pandemic, then it must try to do so. Appearing on Sportnet's "Tim & Sid," Fehr said, "It's good for the business, but it’s a good thing generally and it's a signal of return to normalcy." NHL training camps will not begin until the beginning of July at the earliest, but Fehr noted it could be later, adding it is the responsibility of foreign players to "make arrangements to come back" into the country. Fehr: "We already have an indication from the U.S. government that they'll be able to get back into the states." Fehr noted the league and players have not yet negotiated how to handle players who feel uncomfortable about returning. He said such concerns will be addressed in Phase 3 negotiations. Fehr said he does not believe getting health insurance for players will be a major issue. However, he said the NHLPA is "obviously concerned" about how the pandemic will affect CBA negotiations, saying the union must "guard" the players' best interests. Fehr: "If you can't guard against them sufficiently you don't make an agreement." Fehr said the "great uncertainty" isn't this season, but "next year or the year after." He said both sides have a "recognition that there are a set of common problems to be solved that are nobody's fault and that nobody can fix on their own" ( “Tim & Sid,” Sportsnet, 5/26).

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