Under Armour is launching the Curry Brand with longtime endorser and Warriors G Stephen Curry, in a "bid to reach younger consumers and compete with Nike and its Jordan Brand," according to Lauren Thomas of CNBC.com. The brand, which goes live on CurryBrand.com this week, "features shoes and clothes for a number of sports including basketball and golf." Over time, the brand "will be expanded to more categories including running and women's." UA CEO Patrik Frisk said, "We wanted to make sure we did this as close as possible to the NBA season finally launching ... and the fact that we’re launching in between Black Friday and the holidays we think is very opportune." Thomas notes the launch "could help Under Armour gain momentum against its rivals, especially with younger consumers, where it has lost ground." Part of the brand’s mission is to "make sure that kids have more access to sports, particularly in lower-income households." Starting in Oakland, the Curry Brand "will work with the Oakland Unified School District to launch basketball at each middle school," and it also will "partner with a nonprofit organization, Positive Coaching Alliance, to bring professional coaching to all of the youth sports coaches in the area" (CNBC.com, 11/30).
Under Armour Launching Stephen Curry's New Personal Brand