Engaging the Next Generation of Sports Fans – The Future Fan PRO DAY

The Future Fan: Evolution of Engagement

December 8, 2020

"Engaging the Next Generation of Sports Fans"

Opening Tech Talk Presentation + Welcome Remarks

See more coverage of the The Future Fan: Evolution of Engagement PRO DAY >>>

Full transcript of Tech Talk presentation:

Taylor Bloom: Hello everyone, thank you very much for joining us today. My name is Taylor Bloom and I am the CEO of SportTechie. I’m excited to welcome you all to this SportTechie Pro Day entitled, “The Future Fan: Evolution of Fan Engagement”.... So I'm going to hand it over to a fantastic leadoff batter for today's event. Mark Beal, Professor of Practice at Rutgers University School of Communication & Information. Mark will be presenting our opening Tech Talk, Engaging the Next Generation of Sports Fans. So Mark we’re going to get you up here and let you take it away. 

Mark Beal: Thank you Taylor, appreciate the introduction. As Taylor said, I'm going to kind of do the setup here today. We'll set the stage, set the table for the other speakers, who are going to really delve deep into their areas of expertise. But through my presentation again, I'll provide kind of a Gen Z 101 and we'll delve into sports fandom and kind of the future of sports fans.

So my lineup today we're going to talk a little bit about COVID and its impact on this generation, the evolution from marketing to engagement, especially with this generation. We'll look at some of my most recent research as far as Gen Z's preferred media, their engagement platforms, brands they love. Then we'll dive a little bit into some recent research that I did with Gen Z across the nations on sports leagues, teams, properties and sponsors. I'm going to leave you with ways to engage Gen Z effectively now and in the future. I'll leave a final slide with what I call kind of my Gen Z tenants, things that are mandatory that you must think about and must consider as you begin planning for 21 and beyond.

A lot of the research you're going to see today, not all of it, but some of the research comes from my most recent nationwide survey of Gen Z, 500 plus Gen Z aged 13 to 23 from just about all of the United States, 45 states included. Again, the focus of this research was to better understand Gen Z, how to effectively engage them, and then dive a little bit into their sports fandom. So a lot of the research you'll see today is again from that new nationwide survey which was only in the past past eight weeks. 

Again, just a little bit of background, I've written two books on Generation Z. The first was in 2018, called Decoding Gen Z. I criss crossed America, I interviewed Gen Z from age 13 to age 23, from high school freshmen to those who have just graduated college. Then I wanted to kind of refresh that research, refresh that data, really focus on engaging Gen Z in2020. So I partnered with Harvard University sophomore, Michael Pankowski, and together, we conducted the research. It really looked at how do you engage this generation? How do you engage this next most important consumer segment, this future fan? So today, I'll dive into a lot of that. My background so everyone knows is 25 plus years in public relations and marketing with a focus on sports sponsorship, and sports activation around the Olympic Games, the NFL, Major League Baseball, US Open tennis, NCAA March Madness and many other many other sports properties. 

So a couple of weeks ago, the Washington Post ran a Sunday feature on the cover of the sports section that said Sports has a Gen Z Problem. The article was well written, well researched. A lot of individuals in fact were here today were quoted in the article. But the one challenge with this is I don't look at it as a Gen Z problem. Sports has a tremendous Gen Z opportunity. Everybody who's attending today's conference, that is the opportunity before us. It's a chance to truly transform and innovate, it's a chance to kind of throw out the old fan engagement playbook and begin anew. It's a chance to throw out the old media mix on how properties, teams, leagues, sponsors, manufacturers, engage consumers, engage fans, and really look at a fresh new start. So I don't see this as a problem whatsoever, I see it as a tremendous, tremendous opportunity for everybody involved in sports business to truly innovate, and transform their approach to engaging again, what I call the next most important consumer segment, Generation Z.

I write regularly, I share my research regularly and the word that you'll hear me say over and over, this was a column from sport business a few weeks ago, engaging Gen Z is mandatory to achieve future sports business success. You can’t market to Gen Z, you can’t advertise to Gen Z, you truly need to engage this consumer segment and today, I'll go through exactly what I mean by that. I also wrote this column where the headline is Gen Z is the Next Greatest Generation. I truly believe that. I think throughout today, you'll understand why I'm so bullish on this generation. But what's important about specifically this article is, as you start to engage Generation Z, as you start to collaborate with them, it's critical to understand that this pandemic has happened during their most formative years. While it's impacted all of us, it's impacted Gen Z during their most formative years, during middle school, during high school, during college, as they were attempting to secure internships and that first job after graduation. All those things were sidelined, all those things were kind of brought to a halt. So it's really important that in 21-22 and beyond, as you engage Gen Z you keep in mind that this pandemic, again occurred during their most formative years.

So, today hopefully I’ll shift your mindset in two areas, one is this idea of prioritizing purpose over promotion. The second is this again, evolution from marketing to engaging this consumer segment. So I mentioned Michael Pankowski earlier, my Harvard co author, and Michael wrote this lesson in the book, Gen Z is the purpose generation and Gen Z expects corporations to care just as much about doing good for the world as they do. This generation doesn't just talk the talk though, they walk the walk. So again, lightbulb number one or lesson number one, if you haven't thought about it this way, this generation is proud to proclaim themselves as the purpose generation. They're looking to support and become loyal lifetime customers of organizations, teams, leagues and other entities that have a higher purpose than just winning games on the field or driving a profit at the end of the year. Really important to keep in mind and I'll get into that a little bit more and show some examples. So how does purpose come to life especially with Gen Z? I'm going to make the story very quick, but I just want to bring it to life and it really embodies what Gen Z is all about. Back in March when the pandemic hit college students had to go home many of them probably could have sat around and complained and whined and said, you know woe is me. I'm no longer on campus. I'm taking classes remotely, everything I had planned for the spring semester has been brought to a halt. Well two Gen Z, Jessie Kay who is a sophomore at Stevens and Alex Scheinman who graduated from Penn State, they did what Gen Z does. They sat around and they said, what can we do to help others? What can we do that's purposeful in action to help those who are now unemployed, to help those who are having trouble putting food on their table. This is just a great example to bring to life not only how Gen Z responded, but how we, as marketers in organizations and leagues, and teams and agencies can respond in the same way and think this way. Within 24 hours, they recognized there was a challenge out there, they recognized the problem. They came up ideated and created a campaign within 24 hours called Making Lemonade, a virtual lemonade stand. Within 48 hours, they'd identified Feeding America as a beneficiary and a charity partner and created that alignment with Feeding America. Within 72 hours, they reached out to another Gen Zer who's a specialist in web design. And within three or four or five days, this other Gen Zer designed and launched a website for the campaign Making Lemonade. Within seven days they mobilized 100 Gen Zers at 25 universities across America, and they became kind of the army out there to bring this campaign to market. So within a week, they went from ideation, to concept, to campaign, to web presence, to an army of 100 plus Gen Zers who were going to bring this campaign to market. Within seven or eight weeks, they actually raised more than $125,000, every single penny of which went to Feeding America. 

So if you can take away from that, that is Gen Z. Entrepreneurs, tech savvy, purpose driven, highly collaborative. That's what Gen Z is all about. So when I look at other brands, and think about that idea of purpose driven, I'm only going to use one example today. But look at what Converse has set up from a manufacturer standpoint. They've created this accelerator program called the Converse All Stars and this year, during the pandemic, they decided let's invest a million more dollars into this campaign into this initiative and let's invite Gen Z from all across America, from diverse backgrounds and experiences to come together and collaborate on new initiatives, and things that are important to them. Things that are important to them in their communities and neighborhoods. That's an example of, again, a purposeful initiative. It's not just about selling sneakers, it's just not about promoting the next line of Converse sneakers. But it's taking a deeper inside look and coming up with an initiative that truly engages Generation Z across America, brings them into the fold, funds this, and the result will be again, initiatives, startups, community programming and other. That's a great example of again, a brand that's responding to this purpose generation. 

Michael writes in the book, if you're a marketer, a media company or an employer, now's the time to shift your mindset and focus and prioritize engaging Gen Z. If you don't, and you're an employer, you're going to lose Gen Z as soon as they show up, they're going to leave. If you're a marketer, a league, a team, a sport sponsor, your competition will win over this generation, and it'll be too late before you win them back. If again, you only focus on promotion, marketing, and advertising. So what's an example from a brand marketing example someone doing this well? Target has been the lead in this since 2017, 2018. They were the first brand to create a nationwide Gen Z incubator, and you see the quote from the CMO, Rick Gomez. We're using our expertise and brand power to connect with our young guests, amplify their voices, and support their great ideas for the future. Whether those ideas are startup businesses, community initiatives, new products, or anything else. It's the idea that Target took the very first most important step which I recommend every sports league, every sports team, every sports sponsor, every sports property manufacturer do. Create your own Gen Z incubator. Whether it's nationwide like Target, which features 50 plus Gen Z across America, which they've been doing every year 2018, 2019, 2020, going into 2021. Whether it's just Gen Z in your community where your team or a company or brand or league are based. The idea is again, not to market to Gen Z, but to invite them into the boardroom, invite them into the fold. Engage with them, collaborate with them on your next fan engagement initiative, your next series of content, your next promotion, whatever it might be. So I always hold Target up as best in class example of any brand out there that has done a great job of this shift from marketing to engagement. 

Now from a sports standpoint, the NHL has done this as well. The NHL has launched their Power Players program, which again has a focus on younger Gen Z from age 13 to 17. And as Heidi Browning says there, Gen Z is the largest and most diverse generation, the Power Player program provides a forum to collaborate on ideas on how to attract and engage the next generation of sports fans. That's what it's all about. Instead of 30, 40, 50, and 60 year old marketers hypothesizing, assuming, and thinking they know what this generation all is all about, throw that out the window. Starting today, if you're going to engage Generation Z, the first way you do it, is to put a call to action out there, invite them again, into the boardroom, into the fold. Invite them to truly collaborate on an ongoing basis on every single initiative that you're creating to engage this generation. 

So let's run through some data and some numbers and make sure we're all level set on Gen Z, who they are, what they're all about, preferred channels and other things. So some of you might be out there and still saying, why should I care about this generation? Although I don't think so because I don't think you'd be attending today, if you had that attitude. Very simply, they are the largest generation in the world, larger than millennials, larger than Gen X, larger than boomers. There are more Gen Z’ers in the United States and in the world than any other consumer segment. So bottom line there’s more of them. More opportunities we said earlier on, to engage. More opportunities to convert a consumer to a customer. More opportunity to convert a customer to a brand advocate for years to come. Secondly, even though most are still in elementary school, middle school, high school and college, they have incredible spending power. When you think about that spending power, it's the influence primarily that they have on mom, dad and other family members influencing on how to spend that disposable income on what to do on the weekend, on what entertainment or sports product or event to potentially go to. 

Jacqueline Parks at MTV said it best, Gen Z is the first generation that swiped before they wiped. It says at all. They've had technology in their hands since the age of one, two and three. Technology's the epicenter of everything they do, the way they work, the way they play, the way they socialize, the way they go to school, the way they consume and share content. Key point, something to keep in mind again, as you think about engaging this generation. So let's just level set on again ages with Gen Z and where they are and you know where they are in their life at this point. So Pew Research Center officially declared 1997 is the first year of generation Z's birth years. They won't decide the last year for a while but let's just make it 1997 to 2012, 15 years, your oldest Gen Z’ers graduated college in the class of 2020, 2019, 2018. Most of them are out there at their first jobs, first departments, first bills, all those kinds of things, right first paychecks as full time workers. You've got a bunch of Gen Z in college, many in high school and you have Gen Z in middle school, Grammar School, elementary school. So that's your span, right from approximately age 7 or 8, to age 23 or 24. As I criss crossed America and interviewed Gen Z from age 13 to 23, I tried to boil everything down. So I call these my six dimensions of Gen Z, as we talked about earlier, purpose driven, very community minded and socially conscious and those communities don't necessarily need to be physical communities. I'll talk about that later. Entrepreneurial spirit as we saw with our guys for Making Lemonade, tech smart, digital natives, and they crave experiences. In the world of COVID-19 and the pandemic, they crave virtual experiences that they can participate, immerse themselves in, and share on their channels. So I created kind of this statement about Gen Z. Gen Z are entrepreneurs, experiencing their best life in a digital and social world in a purposeful way that contributes positively to communities.

I also identified what I call six priorities of Gen Z and you'll see some of the same language but again, that idea of purpose. They have a purpose. They are the purpose generation. They're also looking for brands and companies and leagues and teams and sponsors who have a higher purpose. Again, community minded both physical and virtual communities, this idea of shareable or Instagrammable experiences, and we'll get into that later in the presentation. They prioritize immediacy and speed. So if you can deliver to them faster, if it makes their lives more efficient, that's important to them. Personalization and customization. So whether it's customizing a music playlist on Spotify, or personalizing some other sort of product or service, again, it's a priority. And last on the list, but definitely not least, diversity and inclusion. They are the most diverse generation, they are the most inclusive generation. It is incredibly important to them that future employers, organizations they belong to, and organizations and brands they support also demonstrate diversity and inclusion. 

So I like to create personas. And with Gen Z, it was a little bit of a challenge for me, because I like to create individual personas, I just couldn't do it with Generation Z. So I believe based on my three going on four years of in depth research with this consumer segment, I believe that Gen Z, for the most part, embody these five personas. Entrepreneur, which we talked about earlier, they've got this incredible entrepreneurial spirit. They are activists, we just saw this with the recent election here in United States. Mobilizing people to get out and vote. They are also collaborators and uniters, they do want to work together, they do want to collaborate with brands like Target, they do want to come up with the next big initiative, the next big idea, but they want to do it in a collaborative way. They love to amplify and advocate both good and bad things. They want to use their social media channels to amplify those brands, those leagues, those teams, those initiatives that they believe are good and contributing good to society. And at the end of the day, they truly are transforming and innovating everything. The way we work, the way we go to school, the way we consume content. 

So let's take you through some numbers I mentioned earlier, I just conducted my latest nationwide survey of Gen Z aged 13 to 23. So let's just run through some numbers. Some of these you may know some may be eye opening. So we talked about diversity and inclusion earlier. Even though this has nothing per se to do with sports. It's a really, really important question. I asked Gen Z, what is the most important qualities you're looking for, in a future employer? More than competitive salary more than competitive benefits at the very top, diversity and inclusion. 34% of Gen Z say diversity inclusion is what I'm looking for in a future employer. It's also what they're looking for in brands they support, leagues, teams and other organizations they support. They want to see that culture of diversity and inclusion. From a social media standpoint, Instagram has been at the top and continues to be at the top as their preferred media channel. But I like to talk about the Big Four. 35% of Gen Z say Instagram is their preferred social media channel, Snapchat not too far behind at 20%. TikTok at 19%. But what's important there is you'll notice, based on this latest research was done in October, seven months into the pandemic. When I did this survey prior to the pandemic, that TikTok number was only at about 8 or 9%. More importantly, during the pandemic, nearly 60% of Gen Z said they started using TikTok or became more active users. So again, when I talk about the Big Four, I talk about Instagram, I talk about Snapchat, I talk about Tiktok, I talk about YouTube.

YouTube is their go to channel for video content more than any other channel out there. I'm not going to go through all the data on that slide. But the bottom line is Gen Z are turning to YouTube 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 times a day for content, for news, for information, for DIY videos, for entertainment, for sports. I'll go into that a little bit more. More than any other channel. You can see down below. When I surveyed them, I also put into the mix, cable TV, network TV, and a whole bunch of other options. But YouTube by far is the leader. So what kind of video content are they searching for when they go to YouTube? Of course, music and movies, original series and original programming. But there's opportunities here around video shorts, tutorial and how to videos, sports highlights. So it's just interesting to see the mix of what they're going to YouTube for and again, as I like to say, opportunities to engage. 

When it comes to news and information. And again, news and information can be pop culture, it can be entertainment news, it can be sports news. Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat lead the way when it comes to again, where are they seeking news and information? By the way, this is the first time I've done a survey where YouTube was not number one, and where Instagram overtook YouTube at number one. Again, what kind of news and information are they seeking? Of course, entertainment, pop culture, but if we look at sports and eSports and gaming, they're right up there. Again, opportunity, opportunity to engage. We can't forget about audio content really important on audio content. If you walk on any college campus, High School campus, right, everyone's got to hear but what are they listening to? Of course, they're listening to music. But they are downloading podcasts nearly 50%. Why? I can download. Listen, anytime, anywhere. I also love the mix of content, from sports, to comedy, to politics, to news to business, to food, to fashion, to travel. Of course, Spotify leads the way as far as the platform where they like to download content. I always put this question out there from a marketing perspective, what is the most effective way to engage this consumer segment? Always, without a doubt, high in the 70 or 80%, give me a unique experience, even a virtual experience. Give me access, give me events, give me something I can participate in and share on social media. So I just used an example there of Skechers and Camp Kersh, which was a virtual session with Clayton Kershaw. But again, give me access, give me something not everybody has access to, and I'll talk about that a little bit later. 

So just some real quick examples. Non sports, right, Bud Light seltzer this year, this was brilliant. They launched in late summer, early fall. Very simple. A nationwide search for their Chief Meme Officer. This could have been any brand, any sports league, any team, any sponsor. In fact, it would have been a better campaign if it was because then you could have opened it up to Gen Z’ers less than 21 years of age. Simple, creative, engaging. Brilliant. You know, we've all heard about Travis Scott at McDonald's. McDonald's has even talked about how it's driven sales, significant sales. But more importantly, what we're gonna look at is the partnership, partnering with individuals, celebrities, pop culture that are resonating with Gen Z. You may not know this, but the last time McDonald's partnered on a signature meal with an individual was back in 92 or 93 with Michael Jordan, that was the last time they did this. So nearly 30 years later, and now they're seeing how it's working and they're going well beyond Travis Scott. Then even again, another non sports example, but it's important for us in sports to understand this. Dunkin Donuts has a huge fan in Charlie D'amelio, right? Oh, by the way, she also happens to have 100 million followers on TikTok and she's 16 years old. But it made sense for the brand to partner and collaborate with her on a very formal level. Well, I'll bet you every sports team, every sports league, every sports manufacturer, every sport sponsor has fans just like Charlie on TikTok. But you've got to engage them. You've got to identify them, you've got to find them and then bring them into the fold, as I talked about earlier. 

This idea of shareable experiences and I show an image from a horse race there because horse racing, believe it or not, pops up a lot with this generation. Why? As this Gen Z’er said, we say do it for the Gram for a reason. All of us are seeking to enjoy cool and unique experiences to post in our social media channels. Brands and marketers including sports marketers that offer these experiences always get my attention. It's important to realize that the biggest influencers in the lives of Gen Z, are their Gen Z friends, not celebrities per se. Not subject experts, not even, they are influencers. But it's important to understand which is why I go back to the idea of a think tank or an incubator. Who better to inform a program than Gen Z’ers who have influence over the Gen Z friends. Instagram is where they go, their preferred channel as far as where they're going too follow influencers. Again, Instagram at 65%, YouTube at 53%, TikTok at 45%, Snapchat at 38%, look at that again as the big 4. instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Snapchat. When it comes to influencers who are most popular? Again, opportunity for sports. Music at 55, comedy rating very high 39, but eSports and sports back to back again. Huge opportunity. These are the kinds of influencers Gen Z is telling us they're following. 

And last but not least before we get into the last few slides, we talked about communities both physical and online. This is the first time since I've conducted this survey that discord has become number one over Reddit as far as places where I go to find people with shared passions, shared interests, whether that be a sports team, a sports league or something else. Keep that in mind if that's not part of your mix. Think about your strategy for discord, and Reddit but also for discord in 2021. What is as a league a team, league, manufacturers, sponsor, what is your presence there? Potentially, what could your presence be? Real quickly on Gen Z and brands just two slides. You know, it's logical, right? But some of their most popular, most famous, most favorite brands, are brands that were born during the exact same time as Gen Z. Netflix in 97, to Twitch in 2011. Born during the exact same time as Generation Z. I'm a big fan of research for Morning Consult. So I just wanted to share their most recent, most loved brands by generation, I'm not going to go in detail on it. But if you look at generation Z there, if you look at brands from a sports standpoint, yeah we've got Gatorade there, we can kind of bring that into the sports realm, right? You've got some video game brands there as well. But just look at those brands. What I would suggest to you is take a deeper dive into those brands, what are they doing that is leading them to become favorite brands of this consumer segment? And can those things be replicated? 

Quick data on Gen Z and sports. I'm not going to spend much time on this slide nut it was just interesting. I very simply said to Gen Z, I gave them many, many options, I probably should have given them more options. What leagues, organizations do you consider yourself a fan of? I'm not going to go through the numbers but just interesting to see how they responded again, they consider themselves a fan and we know the difference between just a general consumer and a fan. This is a survey of 500 plus Gen Z’ers aged 13 to 23, a few weeks ago.

Also from a sports league, team, property, and sponsor perspective, right. How can sports leagues, teams, property, sponsors engage Gen Z more? Right at the top. Produce and distribute significantly more content on the Big Four, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and of course other channels. Offer me that unique access, those experiences that I can share on social media. Create your own Gen Z think tank or incubator, bring us into the fold and collaborate with us. Those are the things that they're suggesting, Gen Z is suggesting, to again sports leagues, sports teams, sports sponsors to create greater engagement and more loyal fans. What qualities are important to Gen Z to engage with sports brands? 54% said contribute to causes and charities they're important to me and my generation, conduct business in a way that's environmentally friendly, establish a proven track record of diverse inclusive hires. All this ties back to what we said at the onset. Purpose, purpose, purpose. 

Last few slides here, six ways to engage Gen Z. Prioritize purpose. As you create programs, you create fan engagement programs as you even create content, just think about it for a second. Is there a purposeful element to this? Should there be a purposeful element to it? As I said earlier, don't market to Gen Z, don't talk to Gen Z, don't advertise to Gen Z, do what that image shows their the NHL has done. Invite them in, collaborate with them and co-create fan engagement programs, content, promotions, services, products, you name it, but do it together. Let them exercise that entrepreneurial spirit that they have, it will truly lead to transformation and innovation. Leverage every single asset you have. The access, everything even virtually. I always love to use the Zamboni, because for those of us who may work in hockey, we see the Zamboni and we look at it and say yeah it's out there cleaning the ice in between periods. No, to that Gen Z’er sitting that passenger seat, man. That Zamboni is just social currency that is just access. They are simultaneously live streaming that experience while shooting video, shooting content, sharing, distributing that all during that whole time that Zamboni is out there cleaning the ice. That's what we mean by unique access, unique experiences. Think of every single thing you have on your roof. How can you turn that into social currency? Your media mix, we touched on it quite a bit as you move forward here. Again, I know you've got to know you're still engaging other consumer segments, millennials, Xers and boomers. But as you begin to engage Gen Z more, you've got to throw away the old media mix playbook. You've got to think of an entirely new media mix and figure out how to engage them on the media channels they're consuming, which again are these channels and others. As I said earlier, Gen Z influencers, the greatest influences in their lives are their Gen Z friends. So think of nano influencers. Think of identifying if you're a team, identify and engage fans of your team in your community, but do more than engage them. Bring them in, make them ambassadors. Officially make them influencers, give them access to content and other things that they can share on their social media channels. 

And last but not least, it's all about digital. Make content and experiences accessible, convenient, faster. I just think it's a great example, sports related example. Jordan this year decided to do something different in introducing the latest line of sneakers. They partnered with one of the big four, they partnered with Snapchat, and created a whole series of content around that. 

So my last slide for everybody, my 10 Gen Z tenants to prioritize as you start to plan for 2021 and beyond. We went through these in a presentation. Diverse, the most diverse generation ever the most inclusive generation ever. That should be top of mind as you're thinking about programming. Formative years, this pandemic happened during their most formative years, never forget that next year, the year after three years from now, critically important. It'll have a long term impact on this generation. They are entrepreneurs at heart, they love to flex their entrepreneurial muscle, give them that opportunity. They are the purpose generation. They're seeking brands and organizations and leagues and teams and manufacturers and sponsors that do have a higher purpose and they will support them. They want to be part of communities, communities have shared passions, shared interests, whether that's a favorite team, a favorite lead, whatever it might be. They have incredible influence. And they specifically have incredible influence on their Gen Z friends. As we said from the beginning, do not market do not promote, do not advertise to this generation, truly and effectively engage them. Their media is unprecedented. Their media is not like their parents' media. They don't watch the six o'clock news. They don't read newspapers, they don't even know what Good Morning America or the today show is. Their media mix is completely different. You're going to need to shift and transform the media that you're going to use to engage them. They are of course, digital natives and tech smart. Again, they love the idea of being able to personalize and customize products, services and even experiences. Thank you very much for joining today. I hope again, this delivered tremendous value to you. And I also hope that as you'll see it's really kicked off the day and you'll hear from many other speakers who will now delve deeper into each of those key areas. Thank you.

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