Univ. Of Minnesota BOR Torn On Permitting Alcohol Sponsorships

The Univ. of Minnesota's Board of Regents on Friday "expressed some reservations" about a proposal to allow the school to accept sponsorship and licensing deals from alcoholic beverage companies, according to Rachel Blount of the Minneapolis STAR TRIBUNE. The proposal "would permit those agreements and allow for production of alcoholic beverages by the university." Several Regents "questioned whether the revenue from those deals -- estimated at about $300,000 per year -- is high enough to merit changing a longstanding policy." The proposal "could be voted on" at the next BOR meeting Feb. 11-12. Minnesota President Joan Gabel has "recommended approval." Regent Darrin Rosha said during the discussion, "I like the fact that we have a good image. $300,000 may not be enough to make that change." Minnesota VP/University Relations Matt Kramer, who made the presentation to the Regents outlining how sponsorships and licensing would work, said that he was "surprised by the relatively low revenue estimate." Kramer explained that the "dollar value is limited because of the hyperlocal nature of college sports marketing, and $300,000 is what would be expected from a Big Ten market of this size." To put the revenue figure in context, Kramer said that Gophers athletics "saw total earnings" of $1.59M from licensing deals in FY '20 (Minneapolis STAR TRIBUNE, 12/13).

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