Bills LB TYREL DODSON and Texans RB CULLEN GILLASPIA donated $1,000 each to "pay for hot breakfasts for those struggling without power and necessities following a winter storm" in Houston (BUFFALO NEWS, 2/20)....Meanwhile, as Texans "continue to go days without power or heat," shale-driller Comstock Resources, a publicly traded company of which Cowboys Owner JERRY JONES is the majority stockholder, has been "selling gas at 'super-premium prices,'" ranging from $15 per thousand cubic feet to $179 per thousand cubic feet. That is a "markup of between 600% and 7500% over pre-crisis levels." If this is "how Jones is treating Texans in their time of need" he "should be embarrassed, but billionaires don’t get embarrassed by what they see as good business deals." They get embarrassed when many people "call them out, or when the public shame is so great that the good business deal morphs into a lousy one." Cowboys fans "can show Jones how angry they are by cutting down on their financial support of the team" (, 2/19).
BUYERS & SELLERS: NHL Commissioner GARY BETTMAN has "purchased a waterfront mansion in Boca Raton" for $8M. The 12,517-square-foot home "last traded" for $3.62M in '15, so it "more than doubled in value in six years." It has six bedrooms, 11.5 bathrooms, a turf patio, a pool, a dock, solar panels, a fireplace and a balcony. DALE EARNHARDT JR. has "sold his quirky and nautically themed Florida home" for $3M (SBJ Unpacks).
BIG BUCKS: Mets Owner STEVE COHEN and Panthers Owner DAVID TEPPER were featured as top earners on Institutional Investor's latest Rich List, a ranking of hedge fun mangers' earnings. They both earned an estimated $1.7B in '20, tying for fifth overall on the list (, 2/22).
NAMES: Dale Earnhardt Jr. is the latest celebrity to join the Music City GP ownership group, and he will help promote the August event as a result. Terms were not clear, but MCGP announced the move on Friday and now has more than 15 announced investors, making the size of the equity stakes of the celebrity owners likely small in size. Other investors include JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, country music mogul SCOTT BORCHETTA, NASCAR team owner JUSTIN MARKS and a suite of Nashville-area business people (Adam Stern, SBJ)....The U.S. Basketball Writers Association is renaming its Most Courageous award, presented at the Final Four, after PERRY WALLACE, the first Black player to play in the SEC, in '67. The award will now be known as the Perry Wallace Most Courageous Award (Nashville TENNESSEAN, 2/20)....U.S. skateboarder NYJAH HUSTON, a four-time world champion, is among five people L.A. prosecutors have "charged with organizing parties that were possible superspreader events at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic" (L.A. TIMES, 2/20)....Late Mets PR exec SHANNON FORDE, a "pioneer for women in baseball," will be inducted into the New York State Baseball HOF on Nov. 14 (NEWSDAY, 2/20).