WFAN's "Carton & Roberts" extends afternoon drive time lead over ESPN's Michael Kay

WFAN's Craig Carton and Evan Roberts "extended their afternoon drive time lead" over ESPN Radio N.Y.'s "The Michael Kay Show" in February, the "second of three months that constitute the winter ratings book," according to Neil Best of NEWSDAY. From Feb. 4-March 3, "Carton & Roberts" finished third overall in the N.Y. market among men ages 25-54 from 3:00-7:00pm ET -- when the shows go head-to-head -- compared to seventh for Kay. WFAN averaged 4.8% of those listening in the key demo compared to 4.4% for ESPN. Nielsen Audio data from a source revealed that the Carton and Roberts "edged Kay in January, 5.6-5.5, and after eight weeks lead, 5.2-4.9." The numbers include both over-the-air and streaming listening (NEWSDAY, 3/23). In N.Y., Andrew Marchand notes the rest of the shows "stayed basically the same as the first month with WFAN's 'Boomer and Gio' owning the mornings," while ESPN N.Y.'s new 5:00-8:00am show, "DiPietro, Canty & Rothenberg," is "showing some potential." ESPN N.Y., which completely changed its lineup in the fall, "would be wise to clean up its schedule and emphasize more local programming" (N.Y. POST, 3/23).

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