Big Ten could be compelled to act with imminent Big 12 changes

USC is one of the biggest remaining chips on the realignment board, and it could be interested in joining the Big Ten GETTY IMAGES

Texas and Oklahoma joining the SEC would mean the conference has the "potential to pass the Big Ten as the No. 1 revenue conference," which almost "compels the Big Ten to act," according to Dennis Dodd of The biggest "remaining chips on the realignment board are Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame and USC." OSU and Michigan "aren't going anywhere," and Notre Dame has "shown no indication of assimilating into the ACC permanently after playing there (successfully, mind you) in 2020 due to COVID-19." It is "conceivable" that USC, "tired of the underachieving Pac-12, could be interested in joining the Big Ten." Such a move would "probably involve getting travel partners in Washington, Colorado and possibly Arizona State." That would "bring the Los Angeles, Seattle, Denver and Phoenix markets into the Big Ten" (, 7/26).

GO WEST, BIG TEN: THE ATHLETIC's Andy Staples wrote Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren could "make a move that would honor his league’s tradition and its collection of academic firepower and make everyone more money." He could "further strengthen an already powerful league and head off the possibility of an SEC-led Super League." But he would "have to be ruthless to an old friend of his league." The Big Ten and Pac-12 "have been partners in the Rose Bowl for decades, but now is time for drastic action." The "best move for the Big Ten ... is for the Big Ten to take half the Pac-12" (, 7/26). ESPN’s Tony Kornheiser said the “sexy teams” in the Pac-12 -- USC, UCLA, Sanford, Cal, Oregon and Washington -- are “good academic schools.” And the Big Ten always "talks about its academic schools.” Kornheiser: “That is a perfect blend together to me." Kornheiser noted in that scenario, the Big Ten would gain the L.A. and S.F. TV markets, which “would raise their profile." ESPN’s Michael Wilbon said there are connections with the Pac-12 and Big Ten, and the Big Ten is “so much more progressive” and it “makes more money” than other conferences ( “PTI,” ESPN, 7/26).

BIGGEST PIECE OF THE PUZZLE:'s Bill Connelly wrote barring some sort of "wild merger," the "biggest remaining move on the chess board might be what happens" with Notre Dame. Aside from its "temporary 2020 ACC membership, Notre Dame has been the biggest free agent on the market for nearly a century now, but after a series of failed pushes to join the Big Ten in the early 20th century, it has been more than happy to live life as an independent." Connelly: "Does Notre Dame's resolve hold steady in the face of not only the SEC's expansion but potential expansion in the ACC and Big Ten as well?" (, 7/26). In Columbus, Rob Oller writes the Big Ten could merge with the ACC to "create a powerful football-basketball force that would match the SEC -- and supplant it at No. 1 if Notre Dame could be convinced to go all-in by joining the new Big ACC." Oller: "For those thinking the Fighting Irish might just join the Big Ten instead? Sorry, but not happening. ND considers itself more East Coast cosmopolitan than Midwest practical" (COLUMBUS DISPATCH, 7/27).

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