Whoop Announces New Menstrual Cycle Coaching App for Athletes

Wearable fitness company Whoop has introduced Menstrual Cycle Coaching, a new in-app feature to give suggestions on how an athlete should alter their training, sleep and recovery throughout different phases of their menstrual cycle. 

Advice from the new coaching application includes planning heavier training sessions during an athlete’s period, due to higher levels of testosterone associated with that stage of the menstrual cycle. It also advises athletes to rest directly before their period begins.

“We’re looking at the neurobiological indexes of menstrual cycle dysfunction and determining if menstrual cycle changes across a competitive season, to what degree are their menstrual cycle changes, and to identify any of the little neurobiological changes that might proceed menstrual cycle dysfunction,” Whoop’s VP of performance Kristen Holmes recently told SportTechie. 

The launch of this new tool follows Whoop’s recent creation of the Women’s Performance Collective to expand the company’s research and product development effort for female athletes. Whoop also recently equipped 700 female college athletes with its wristband device to study how eating before sleep impacts biomarkers such as heart rate variability, respiratory rate and recovery.

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