Canucks' hiring of Rutherford seen as first step in long process

Given Rutherford's age, 72, he likely will help guide the Canucks towards a new leadership setup a couple years from now GETTY IMAGES

The Canucks named longtime NHL exec Jim Rutherford President of Hockey Operations, and his hire "has a transitional look to it," according to Patrick Johnson of the Vancouver PROVINCE. Rutherford, 72, "will also serve as interim GM" while the GM search continues. While former GM Jim Benning was only dismissed over the weekend, it is understood that Canucks Owner Francesco Aquilini had been "looking around at possible candidates to take over for Benning for several weeks." Given Rutherford's age, he likely "will help guide the team towards a new leadership setup a couple years from now, one that might include" former players Daniel and Henrik Sedin "as co-GMs." In similar terms, Canucks coach Bruce Boudreau, who is 67, was hired this week on a "short-term contract to coach the rest of this season" (Vancouver PROVINCE, 12/10).

BIG BOOST:'s Iain MacIntyre noted the addition of Rutherford, one of the most successful and respected NHL managers of his era, further "fuels momentum for an organization that has gone from zero-to-100 in a hurry." It will take far more than a few days to "know if Rutherford is also the right choice, but he is an eye-catching one." Whatever the Aquilini family is paying him now, Rutherford "wouldn't be coming to [the] Canucks without the owners' promise of autonomy and full authority on hockey matters" (, 12/9). NHL Network’s Brian Lawton said Aquilini “wasn’t happy, the fans weren’t happy, the team hasn’t been performing well." But they went out and got "somebody that’s kind of bulletproof." He is "one of the few people that has the currency built up that they’re going to afford him, not a lot, but an eighth of an inch more of room and that’s all the difference in the world in a market like that” ( “NHL Tonight,” NHL Network, 12/9). NHL Network’s Ken Daneyko: “He’s not afraid to make a bold move.” NHL Network’s Bill Lindsay said it is “about evaluating the players," and Rutherford is “one of the best in the business at that.” Daneyko: “I give the ownership of the Vancouver Canucks a lot of credit on this one” ( “NHL Tonight,” NHL Network, 12/9).

STRONG ON DIVERSITY: NHL Network’s Kevin Weekes, who is Black and played under Rutherford while with the Hurricanes, said, “Long before open-mindedness in terms of diversity from players from different parts of the world, different backgrounds, started becoming a talking point, he was living that.” Weekes: “You can’t discredit his credentials and what he’s accomplished" ( "NHL Tonight," NHL Network, 12/9).

DUO APPROACH?'s Greg Wyshynski wrote there is plenty of precedent for a "two-headed monster as general NHL manager." Wyshynski: "Probability: 20%. We should specify that this is the probability for the current job opening." There is "no doubt" that the Sedin twins "will continue to learn the managerial ropes with their eyes on eventually running the franchise one day." But there is a "much higher probability of them serving as the understudies" to someone like Rutherford. Wyshynski: "The twins aren't ready yet, but they will be one day" (, 12/9).

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