Sources: Activision Blizzard to farm out ops for Overwatch League

Activision Blizzard will likely farm out operations for its Overwatch League to a third party, according to sources. The development comes in the wake of Activision bringing on Esports Engine this season to run its Call of Duty League. OWL (started in '18) and CDL (started in '20) have been produced and broadcast by Activision Blizzard since their respective inceptions. The move to third parties also comes amid Microsoft's plans to acquire Activision. Microsoft is already using a third party -- Esports Engine in this case -- to operate the relaunch of its Halo Championship Series. With the news that ESL and FACEIT, the largest tournament organizers in the space, will merge into the ESL FACEIT Group after a purchase by Savvy Gaming Group for $1.5 billion, there looks to be more movement and investment in the third-party operator space as it relates to esports production.

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