Nonprofit Advocates for Minor Leaguers yesterday issued a three-page statement accusing MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred of "manipulating numbers and engaging in fear-mongering in the letter he sent last month to members of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee," according to Evan Drellich of THE ATHLETIC. The Advocates "drew a parallel" between the "arguments Manfred made recently and those MLB posited when major leaguers were first vying for free agency." Four members of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee -- Committee Chair Dick Durbin, (D-Ill.), ranking member Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) -- have "taken an interest in the sport’s antitrust exemption." Both Advocates for Minor Leaguers and MLB have "formally responded to inquiries those senators sent." A hearing on Capitol Hill could "be arranged in the next couple months." Advocates for Minor Leaguers on Tuesday framed its arguments "around five points in all," the first being that the "'coordinated activity' that does indeed benefit fans and players would not be halted if there is a change to the sport’s century-old antitrust exemption" (, 8/9).
Advocates for Minor Leaguers accuses Rob Manfred of manipulating numbers, fear-mongering