"80 For Brady" garners mixed reviews; QB himself largely panned

Paramount's new feature " 80 FOR BRADY " debuts nationwide in theaters on Friday, and in what could have “been a massive fumble,” the four leads “bump it into at least a fun matinee for an audience that already loves them,” according to Makenzie Whittle of the Bend BULLETIN. The film, which was produced by TOM BRADY, is “led by powerhouse actresses” SALLY FIELD, JANE FONDA, RITA MORENO AND LILY TOMLIN. The movie “centers around the quartet’s firm friendship and their love of” the Patriots, especially Brady. However, as the film progresses, football "takes the driver’s seat, and the movie drags because of it.” Brady “plays his part way too seriously, instead of bringing him in on the joke.” Because he served as a producer, it is "easy to see why this didn’t happen, but early on, it feels like they tried to do so, and it falls apart toward the end of the film.” What the movie goes on to comment on is “incredibly relevant to the leads and would have felt more earnest without Brady pulling focus: As long as you feel like you can still play the game, play it.” However, it “feels a bit too much like a commercial” for Brady “(as well as the NFL as a whole, which feels squidgy)” (Bend BULLETIN, 2/1).

PLAY FOUR QUARTERS: In Chicago, Richard Roeper wrote “with a jokey, clunky, cliché-riddled screenplay by SARAH HASKINS and EMILY HALPERN” the film is “so pleasant and vacant it’s like a party guest everybody forgets 10 minutes after they leave.” For a movie about football, it "doesn’t seem to know all that much about football.” Brady “sports a 2017 Tom Brady haircut” and is “a bit stiff playing himself.” Meanwhile, ROB GRONKOWSKI is “funnier and more natural playing himself.” For the first three quarters, “80 For Brady” is “pleasant, comfort-viewing fluff” but in the fourth quarter, it “collapses under a blitz of absurdity” (CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, 2/1).

PLEASE, DON'T HOLD BACK: In Boston, Odie Henderson gave the film one star and wrote it is “dreadful.” Henderson: “It’s like watching a 98-minute Super Bowl commercial that breaks for five minutes of the actual game. … What’s not appropriate is you spending your hard-earned cash on this crass piece of commercialism” (BOSTON GLOBE, 2/1). In N.Y, Johnny Oleksinski also gave it just one star wrote Brady’s first foray into Hollywood is “much clunkier than he ever was on the football field” (N.Y. POST, 2/2). In Detroit, Adam Graham graded it as a "C" and wrote it eventually "veers hard into slapstick territory and deflates like one of Tom Brady's footballs” (DETROIT NEWS, 2/2).

TIME TO FOLLOW HIS OWN LEAD: The AP’s Mark Kennedy only gave the movie a half-star and wrote Brady may retired from the NFL but it is "also time that he immediately retire from filmmaking.” No one "emerges with glory from this syrupy, undercooked story.” Kennedy: “That hissing sound you hear in the theater is not footballs losing air but an audience deflated” (AP, 2/2). In Boston, James Verniere wrote “based on Brady’s work in ‘80 for Brady,’ I think he ought to retire from acting, too.” Verniere graded the film a “B-minus” (BOSTON HERALD, 2/2).

IT'S NOT ALL BAD: THE DAILY BEAST’s Coleman Spilde wrote “80 for Brady” offers “a dose of simple, sprightly fun.” The film is “smart enough to know that no one who’s paying money to see it in a theater is going to take it too seriously.” Even its “most sincere moments are pretty ephemeral.” This “makes for some uproariously conspicuous acting attempts” from Brady, who “tries his very best to convey even an ounce of emotion from his soulless lizard eyes.” Spilde: “I don’t know that I -- or the audience I was with -- have laughed harder in 2023 than when Brady gives an emotional speech to Tomlin at the end of the film” (THE DAILY BEAST, 2/1). USA TODAY’s Brian Truitt gave the “earnest but pleasant sports comedy” two-and-a-half stars and wrote Brady “does a solid job playing himself.” Tomlin and Brady have the movie's “most sentimental moment, proving he can throw a tight spiral and make you cry.” (USA TODAY, 2/2). In N.Y., Amy Nicholson wrote “this stubbornly charming romp” is a “barrage of quirky one-liners that punch up familiar set pieces” (N.Y. TIMES, 2/1).

"80 for Brady" was produced by Tom Brady and stars Rita Moreno, Sally Field, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda Getty Images

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