APSE, USBWA and AWSM object to Big 12's media-seating policies

The AP Sports Editors, U.S. Basketball Writers Association and Association for Women in Sports Media object to Big 12 Commissioner Brett Yormark’s response to their previous outreach regarding the abandonment of industry-standard media-seating practices at the conference men’s basketball tournament in K.C. Reporters from print and digital organizations were consigned to a hockey press box at the top of T-Mobile Center, where a television monitor is the best way to see basketball games. This decision is a departure from seating policies of the other major conferences and the NCAA. The Big 12 additionally failed to recognize the significant financial investment every media outlet makes to cover its tournament. The collective want to be part of the solution and are requesting a meeting with Yormark and the Big 12 staff at the soonest possible date to discuss future media seating at conference events (USBWA).

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