This summer, the sports world may get a glimpse of its future at a ballpark near O’Hare International Airport.
If all goes as planned, Athletes Unlimited will launch a new softball league on Aug. 17 at the Parkway Bank Sports Complex in Rosemont, Ill. The league’s inaugural six-week season will feature some of the biggest names in the world of professional softball — Jessie Warren, Victoria Hayward, Amanda Chidester and Haylie McCleney. The scoring system will award points for wins and individual performances. Players will change teams every week. It will be a crowd-less debut because of the pandemic, but real-time updates, results and game broadcasts will be available online. By design, there will be a fantasy league feel.
When Athletes Unlimited co-founders Jon Patricof and Jonathan Soros looked at both men’s and women’s sports, they saw tremendous untapped potential on the women’s side, the perfect opportunity to reimagine the pro sports league model. The guiding philosophy behind Athletes Unlimited: Be innovative. Be player and data-driven. Be hyperaware of what fans want. Be different than long-established men’s pro leagues.
“There are a lot of things you can do differently,” said Patricof, who’s also CEO of Athletes Unlimited. “We don’t think replicating the model that exists on the men’s side is the path to go. A lot of the women’s leagues have replicated their male counterparts — a lot of the same decision-makers, a lot of the same structure and city-based models.”
With women’s leagues designed as smaller versions of men’s leagues, they inevitably invite comparisons between the two. Typically, those comparisons end with women’s leagues perceived as lesser quality. It’s unfair, inaccurate, lazy, sexist thinking. It ignores the decades-long head start enjoyed by the most popular men’s leagues. It also highlights why Athletes Unlimited may have exactly the right idea for softball and other women’s sports, including its indoor volleyball league announced for February 2021.
To grow and gain exposure, it helps when women’s leagues build their own identity and distinctive value. Athletes Unlimited hopes to do that through innovations on and off the field. It’s a smart approach. It also points a way forward for other women’s sports ventures. Why not position women’s leagues as the place where fans will find something traditional men’s leagues won’t dare try? Why not draw crowds with a see-it-here-first appeal?
There’s no reason why not, especially when the pandemic-paused sports world needs leagues to think creatively and operate differently. With its short season and single location, the Athletes Unlimited softball league appears well structured for the current crisis, even if that wasn’t the intention when it was first discussed 18 months ago.
Long before COVID-19 suspended sports around the world, Athletes Unlimited reviewed data from established men’s leagues that showed, Patricof said, “a business model that relied heavily on ticket sales and filling large stadiums that was a relatively inefficient model.” Additional research revealed that younger fans prioritized player loyalty ahead of geographic loyalty. Fans also liked the idea of a constantly changing leaderboard. And giving players more control over rosters and rewarding players for individual performances tested well.
By taking a data-driven approach, Athletes Unlimited easily ignored the so-called conventional wisdom about women’s sports, primarily that they can’t draw large, revenue-generating audiences. The research commissioned by Patricof and Soros indicated something much different. So did the 1,200-plus softball games ESPN broadcast in 2019. When UCLA clinched the national championship with a walk-off hit last year, the game averaged 1.8 million viewers. And the College World Series in softball has posted higher ratings than the College World Series in baseball.
It’s an important reminder that data can change perceptions about the value of women’s sport and reveal opportunities. When companies listen to the numbers, not the noise created by social media and naysayers, it supports investment in women’s sports.
Catcher Gwen Svekis pg-25-OpEd-Gwen-Svekis
All of the data and other sports intelligence collected by Athletes Unlimited will make for a pro softball league full of unique features that, Patricof said, give fans “newer ways to engage with players” and “faster, more meaningful games.” Players will get points for team wins, inning wins, game MVP awards and individual statistics. Each week, the four players with the most points will serve as team captains and draft new teams. If the league concludes its six-week run on Sept. 27 as scheduled, there will be an individual champion, not a team champion.
Salaries will range from a guaranteed base of $10,000 to $35,000, depending on how players finish in the individual standings. Meanwhile, financial returns for league investors will be capped so players earn more of the profits if the league succeeds. Athletes also will participate in league governance, with four players on the softball advisory board. There will be no team owners or general managers.
“Obviously, I wish the pandemic never happened, but this league is made for the situation that we’re currently in,” said catcher and board member Gwen Svekis. “We’ve been on interesting calls with members of our advisory board where we’ve talked about how we might have lucked into the best timing to launch Athletes Unlimited. This might very well be the future of sports in general, male and female.”
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that women’s sports may point the way forward. Women’s leagues allow for a greater degree of creative freedom. They’re not bound by tradition or, at least, they shouldn’t be. Amid a pandemic, that creative freedom can help turn untapped potential into a competitive advantage.
Shira Springer ( sports and society for NPR and WBUR, writes a column for the Boston Globe and teaches journalism at Boston University.