Brands Take A Stand

A turbulent year raised the stakes for sports sponsors that are driven to make a statement on social issues, compelling them to be more active in their activism.

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J.D. Lubenetski remembers a time around a dozen years ago when cause marketing was parked in the corner of most companies’ organizational charts, far from the chief financial officer’s oversight. Cause marketing efforts were donation focused, not action or results based, according to Lubenetski, senior vice president of brands at Wasserman.  


That changed as cause marketing began to fall under the CFO’s purview, leading to more accountability and a greater demand for results and return on investment, and brands began to take more conspicuous stances on social and environmental issues. Colin Kaepernick first kneeled during an NFL pregame national anthem in 2016, a jolt for brand marketing as more players joined him and the actions became part of political discussions. The #MeToo movement in 2017 and the emergence of Black Lives Matter last year turbocharged a once-gradual shift from cause marketing into brand activism.  

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“It’s no longer good enough to stand on the sidelines,” said 160over90 President Ed Horne. “Consumers really want the brands with whom they connect to reflect their values.” 

Where cause marketing once might have been considered a luxury for brands, it’s almost expected from consumers now, especially younger ones. Horne said that older consumers are more brand loyal, but that millennial and Gen Z consumers will switch to brands that speak to them. The same can be true for brands that stay silent during times of social upheaval or are perceived as disingenuous in their efforts. As Lubenetski said, “they know when you’re just squatting on an issue.” 

“Brands have got to be flexible with their strategies with what’s going on in the world,” said Aubree Curtis, co-head of the CAA Social Impact practice. “Culture is a stakeholder; you have to factor in culture and what culture is demanding in what role you as a brand play in responding to culture as a stakeholder.” 

Curtis and Judee Ann Williams lead CAA’s social impact-focused team; having such a division is no longer unique in brand representation.  

“There is not an agency that now doesn’t think about social purpose, social impact, as a component of what they do for brands,” said Curtis. 

The brands that are excelling do several key things, including focusing on an issue or two (not too many at once), and balancing measurable, quarterly goals with the recognition that successful social activism is a long-term mission. Nothing is more important than brands putting action behind their words and messages.  

“Gone are the days of a donation, and here are the days of ‘let’s put a bold goal out there and fix it,’” said Lubenetski. “Let’s fix something, let’s not just donate money. Be more active in your activism.” 

Not every brand can be Ben & Jerry’s, with its activist DNA and four decades of credibility. But even brands less synonymous with taking clear and public stances on social issues can contribute indirectly by leveraging their clout or empowering the causes they support through other indirect means — AT&T’s support of the WNBA, for example.

The question for companies that may be reluctant to make direct statements on issues is, “what do I have in my arsenal to help this scenario?” said Shiz Suzuki, AT&T assistant vice president, sponsorships and experiential marketing. 

Just as consumers can sniff out a brand’s half-hearted activist stance, endorser athletes and teams are beginning to demand the same accountability and alignment from potential corporate partners on social issues as consumers.

Stuart Duguid of IMG Tennis, which is part of of WME Sports, represents tennis star and social justice activist Naomi Osaka. Duguid said that dollars are not the first conversation that he and Osaka have with interested partners; it’s often about the potential partner’s social justice views and action plans.   

“We think there is going to be a higher bar for these sponsorships or relationships” in sports where there are activist teams and athletes, such as Osaka, Curtis said.

That makes it especially important for brands, as Curtis put it, to be “publicly and privately singing from the same hymn sheet.” In other words, a company’s outward-facing values better be matched by its executives’ behavior, its internal culture and its diversity and inclusion and hiring practices. 

George Floyd’s death, the pandemic and a turbulent political landscape made 2020 one of the most volatile years in recent history. Not every year will be as chaotic, but that doesn’t mean that brand activism will melt away. 

“It’s certainly here to stay. This notion of purpose-driven marketing … it is marketing,” said Horne. “It’s just how we as marketers are expected to think and need to think to be relevant.” 

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