CBS Sports’ McManus OK with slow approach to betting

Throughout the NFL season, CBS Sports generally has shied away from discussing point spreads or betting odds during its studio shows. The closest it has come to gambling-related content is when its studio analysts talk about how much they think a team will win by. During CBS Sports’ game telecasts, the broadcast booth has stayed away from any gambling references at all.


CBS Sports has taken a much slower approach to introducing gambling-related content into its telecasts. The choice is intentional.

“People who gamble have such incredible access to mountains of information,” said CBS Sports Chairman Sean McManus. “Anything that we would provide probably would be rather obvious to the person who is gambling and might be even annoying or superfluous to the people who aren’t gambling.”

McManus said CBS was open to doing more in the sports gambling space, including, potentially, partnering with the NFL on a gambling feed that would be separate from CBS Sports’ main feed.

“That would be more in tune to what the gambler would want,” McManus said. “There’s opportunity for in-game gaming possibly down the road. But that would be a separate production, and it would be a separate feed that we would be doing to implement that kind of process.”

McManus acknowledged that CBS has taken small steps with gambling content, but one takeaway he’s had so far is that viewers have not objected to it yet.

“We dipped our toe in the water a little bit, and no one seems to have minded,” McManus said. “We’re taking it one season at a time.”

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