Sports Media: Mirth and mistakes all part of the game for ‘Inside the NBA’
The studio show, celebrating its 30th year, features Shaquille O’Neal, Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley. Turner Sports
W hen TNT’s Ernie Johnson introduced a Martin Luther King Day segment in which Brooklyn Nets forward DeAndre Jordan was miked up, “Inside the NBA” viewers were prepared for the type of clip that has become standard fare for any sports studio show.
This particular snippet and the analysts’ reaction to it showed why the TNT studio show, which is celebrating its 30th year, stands out from anything else on sports television.
Jordan’s microphone didn’t work. For about 40 seconds, viewers saw him talking to referees and his own teammates. When TNT came back to the studio, Charles Barkley, Shaquille O’Nealand Kenny Smithwere doubled over in laughter.
They spent the rest of the show calling out Steve Fiorello, Turner Sports vice president and coordinating director, and Tim Kiely, vice president of production and executive producer.
Kiely Turner Sports
“Two dummies. Dumb and dumber,” Barkley said.
Fiorello responded by cutting off their microphones.
The whole segment played out like a comedy sketch and demonstrated the philosophy Kiely has brought to the show since he joined in 1995: Own your mistakes and have fun.
Kiely has always chafed when mistakes occur, and announcers pretend that nothing is wrong. While producing a local newscast in the early 1990s, he instructed his anchor to acknowledge on-air that his teleprompter had stopped working.
“I almost got fired, but I didn’t care,” he said. “The guy at home isn’t going to be scared away by talk of teleprompters and shot sheets. They like the guts of the show. They want to know what’s going on.”
Like on MLK Day, Kiely is not scared to make behind-the-scenes staffers part of the show, which is unique to “Inside the NBA.”
“We don’t try to screw up, but when we do, we’re not going to hide from it,” Kiely said. “The guy at home who’s watching the show is OK with seeing a mistake if you acknowledge it.”
For Kiely, the biggest sin is to produce a formulaic studio show. To keep the format fresh, Kiely has stolen ideas from other shows outside of sports and applied them to “Inside the NBA” — everything from David Letterman’s late-night shows to HBOand even to the old political shout fest “The McLaughlin Group.”
'Inside the NBA': That social media moment
I asked Turner’s Tim Kiely to identify the moment he realized “Inside the NBA” branched beyond being viewed as an NBA-focused studio show. I expected him to reference the hiring of Charles Barkley or Shaquille O’Neal.
Instead, he spoke of social media.
“The honest to God moment was Twitter because people started to tweet, at the show,” he said. “I understood right away that it was the fans talking to us. Now they had a voice, and they could say things. Because it was a youthful voice, everybody who was above my head was fascinated with us using it.”
When Kiely watched “The McLaughlin Group,” he took note of the way the show went into commercial breaks, usually with the two liberals and two conservatives shouting at each other. It left Kiely wanting more. “The show was sort of sloppy, but I liked it,” he said. “It didn’t seem to have any rules.”
He also borrowed from the way HBO programmed its schedule, with shows that did not neatly fit into 30- or 60-minute time slots.
“They were just whatever length they needed to be,” Kiely said. “Those two things struck me, like all the conventions to television, perfectly clean shows and then timing.”
Letterman gave Kiely the idea of making usually anonymous staffers part of the show, pointing to the times that the talk show host used his mother as an on-air reporter. “It’s one of the things I unabashedly stole was from Letterman,” Kiely said. “Remember when he sent his mother to the Olympics? She was hilarious.”
Kielystarted to institute some of those changes into “Inside the NBA.” If a segment was entertaining, he would stay with it and run through a commercial break. He did not want anyone using teleprompters. He wanted open and honest dialogue with people who are passionate about the NBA.
“What’s the difference when TNT’s movie comes on?” he said. “If it comes on 10 minutes late, viewers don’t care. It’s two o’clock in the morning, after all.”
When Kiely started on “Inside the NBA,” TNT had an NFL package, which meant he was able to slide a lot of these changes through, he said.
“The executives that I was working for didn’t pay as much attention to basketball,” he said. “We started to experiment. If I needed to do a 19-minute segment, I did a 19-minute segment. I made it up someplace else and dropped things that I didn’t think were worth doing. Other places were more rigid.”