Has the phone room of “Wall Street,” “Boiler Room” and “Glengarry Glen Ross” outlived its usefulness? The past year of the pandemic has shown us that there may be a better way to identify prospects and schedule appointments. The landline has been replaced by the cellphone and the office phone room has been replaced by the apartment, the home, the condo, the backyard, the porch and whatever “home office” the caller has chosen to use. Calls are being made much the same as they have always been, only remotely. But should this same approach be the preferred mode of operations in 2021 and beyond?
Let me be clear: In my time with the NBA and the early days of the TMBO group, I was a huge proponent of the phone room and our group recommended that every team have an inside sales staff (phone room) with 10 to 20 entry-level sellers making 400 to 500 calls per week. We provided sales trainers to prepare the young sellers as they embarked upon a hoped-for career and we even created the NBA Job Fair to help teams recruit talent. That system worked well for many years, although in recent years, caller ID and blocking have affected success, which according to some estimates range from 1% to 3% of all prospects called actually purchasing the product.
For the past several years, I have advocated an end to the phone room in the traditional sense — no landlines, and equipping sellers with cellphones because of their functionality in providing technology to text and share video, photos and other forms of interactive media directly to a prospect or indirectly through social media. The physical space would still be there, but as a result of the pandemic it doesn’t need to be a physical space (more on that later). What follows is my 2021 view of contacting prospects and shortening the sales process.
The Sales Video
Ask a salesperson to describe the experience of attending a game. As they begin quoting the script or rambling, stop and think about what you just asked. Audio is only one dimension. Wouldn’t a video depicting the game experience — with real people enjoying themselves — be much more effective in setting the stage? The video could show various seating locations and the people in those seats enjoying themselves. It could show coworkers out for an evening or parent-child combinations sharing quality time, or perhaps a dance team performing. Game promotions, food and beverage offerings, fireworks and music could all be part of the video. It would close with the salesperson showing a few possible seating locations and asking the prospect to think about where they might like to sit when they are invited out for a game. The idea is to give the prospect a vivid idea in 2-3 minutes and a better understanding of what you’re asking them to purchase. The video could be emailed or texted directly to the lead. Once it has been confirmed that the prospect has received and opened the video, the seller would contact them according to the message in the original text/email that stated how the follow-up would occur. The next step then would be the appointment at the venue or coming to a game that would capitalize upon the actual experience.
The seller would also have the opportunity to post the video on social media in an attempt to generate interest and hopefully additional leads. Another possibility would be to air the video in a spot in the local broadcast so that the fans watching at home could see what they are missing. A sweepstakes to win premium tickets or a night in a suite could be promoted in the broadcast to generate leads for follow up.
So the video text/email replaces the initial phone call but only in the sales sequence. The phone call follow-up and appointment setting leading to the actual appointment all remain part of the sales process. This process can take place anywhere and be completed in evening hours for non-business customers, thus eliminating the need to be in a room with a landline — and possibly working remotely several days per week.
Sales Training
Obviously this sales methodology would require a new approach by sales trainers. Learning how to create and edit a video on a cellphone, how to determine the best content, and how to share that content on social media. This training would be much more important than teaching a new salesperson how to make 75 calls per day. Existing technology such as Ring Central could be employed as part of this process, enabling the employee to use their computer rather than a cellphone.
I realize that the majority of sales managers were raised in the traditional mode of “smiling and dialing” and might be uncomfortable abandoning a process that has worked for them for a number of years.They are also more comfortable because this approach offers metrics that are easy to assess effort and results. But pause for a minute and think about your OWN phone behavior. Do you have caller ID? Do you employ blocking or screening software? Do you answer calls from numbers you don’t recognize? I’m suggesting like everything else that survival and effectiveness implies the ability to adapt and evolve. Call me Darwin, because I believe in this type of evolution.
Bill Sutton (billsuttonandassociates @gmail.com) is director emeritus of the Vinik Graduate Sport Business Program at USF, dean of Elevate Academy and principal of Bill Sutton & Associates. Follow him on Twitter @Sutton_ImpactU.
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