There is a path to emerge from social lethargy in sports
ByChad Menefee and Rich Luker
For more than 25 years, fans have told us that their love of sports comes from playing sports, attending games, and connecting with family. The earlier they engage and the more people they engage with, the stronger their bond to sports over their entire lifetime (see chart 1).
Social connections fuel all the ways we engage in sports. Before COVID, even when we watched games on TV, we typically watched with family and friends: 71% of fans said their sports viewing was usually “social” (whether it was in their own homes, a friend’s home, or at a public place). Whether fans were attending, watching on TV, or playing sports, we enjoyed sports because it brought us closer to family and friends.
However, even before the start of the pandemic, the priority given to social engagement in general — and in sports specifically — was declining (see chart 2). For more than two decades, spending time with family and friends was our highest free time priority. Thanks to the proliferation of the smartphone, time alone and online were rising and taking away from social activities. Then COVID hit.
This is the first major crisis in more than a generation to have three powerful, distinct, harmful effects. First was the personal impact of the virus. A majority of Americans have been affected personally by COVID, whether it was losing a loved one, being sick themselves, losing income, spending extra time caring for kids, being displaced from school and friends, and more. The toll has been substantial, yet we’ve adapted and already rebounded during the past year. The personal impact should continue to fade.
The second effect was something new — people were afraid to get together. More than anything, fear has kept us from the activities we most enjoy. We are only now seeing fear begin to subside with the vaccine rollout and it should continue to recede as more people get vaccinated. This remains our most pressing concern, but we don’t expect fear to stay with us in the long run.
The third and potentially longest-lasting effect is exponential acceleration of time we spend alone and online, creating “social lethargy.” Time online is relatively low-cost, limitless, constantly expanding and improving, requires no planning, no commuting, and little or no effort. It is amusement. Face-to-face engagement requires work, planning and the cooperation of others. How much free time have we harvested from reduced commuting alone during COVID? Why, then, would we assume that once it is safe, fans will just get off the couch and go back to sports when face-to-face engagement was already declining before the pandemic?
Once it is possible to get together in person outside our homes again, not everyone will feel the need to go back to their old lives. Even those who enjoyed pre-COVID social activities the most (season-ticket holders, avid moviegoers, theater buffs) may decide they don’t need to go out as much as they did before. We’ve all expanded our consideration sets and found new passions in the past year. The fact that these new interests cost less and are easier to do will only make them more appealing.
The good news is that many Americans still crave face-to-face activities. Our research shows that half of all Americans say they would prefer to spend most of their free time with others. The youngest prefer it the most — nearly 60% of teens say they would prefer social activities over time alone. Yet only 39% of Americans actually spend most of their free time with others (see chart 3). This “social gap” is also largest with teens. They’re the most likely to prefer spending free time on social activities, but less likely to actually do so. We expect this gap to narrow as activities (and schools) open up, but lifetime behaviors form early. Long after fear and personal impact go away, “social lethargy” is likely to stay with us, especially for Gen Z and younger.
Sports thrives on face-to-face experiences, and COVID has robbed us of them for more than a year. There is a path back though. We have to deal with the immediate issues first by reassuring fans it’s safe to get together. We need to enable them to get together even if they’ve been personally affected by the virus. Social lethargy is likely to stay with us, so we need to inspire fans and give them a reason to get off the couch. We can do that by understanding what motivated our best fans before COVID, focusing on the fans who do the most to bring people together, and strengthening fans’ connections to the teams and schools they love. There is a desire to get together more often.
As we emerge out of the pandemic, we need to ensure that Americans see sports as a means for connecting with family and friends like previous generations did or we risk losing even more to social lethargy. Here are four quick ways to start:
1. INSPIRE those you serve in your sports business by reminding them how much they enjoyed sports with others before the smartphone and before COVID.
2. Encourage them to PLAY. In the yard, in the park, keep it simple.
3. Encourage them to PLAN a sports viewing party with family and friends.
4. Encourage them to GO to a game — even a local high school game. Support play and work your way back to full engagement.
Chad Menefee ( is executive vice president of strategic intelligence at SSRS. Rich Luker ( is founder emeritus of the SSRS/Luker on Trends Sports Poll.