Let’s rebuild sporting structure so that love for the game can flourish

Where would you go and where would you play if you wanted a sporting career built around the love of the game?

Further, where could you go if advancement in your sport wasn’t solely propelled by league profit, pursuit of “perfection” or even personal acclaim?

The lack of alternatives is because almost all leagues, for men and women, were built on traditionally male-centric principles. Win-at-all-costs competition, high performance and militarism are rampant in field sport, and for many athletes and professionals they are the primary answers to “why I do it” and “how I do it.” International Day of the Girl on Oct. 11 — highlighting that girls’ rights are human rights — begs the questions of whether any leagues are designed for their ideals.

From ages as early as 5 years, children and parents are fed messaging that their child needs to specialize and be in competitive leagues in order to succeed. And so, over the past five years, a significant global push has arisen to advance equity in sport participation and leadership. However, some leaders debate whether the over-marketization of sport has resulted in reframing participants as consumers, and skill development as revenue generation. To this end, some leagues have been developed to serve the love of the game and building community, including Canadian Girls Baseball and Athletes United Sports Performance.

But where is the support for adolescents who want to play for the love of the game?

The fact is, sport isn’t currently designed for fun collaboration or teamwork. Even if someone wants to make a profit or be competitive — all good things — there aren’t widely used or accessible spaces to center the love of the game.

Accepting that we need those spaces, we must rebuild. Built within sport policy are historical ideals that conflict with female-centric principles — which could lead to equitable sport programming dedicated to development, and even fun. And so …

We must break ideals of combat and elitism

These principles are fostered within sport and stall movement toward progressive sport programming. A win-at-all-costs, no pain-no gain mentality is embedded in sport policy — stifling focus on principles of equity, fair play, development and fun.

Notably, governments in many nations define the success of their national sport programs by medal counts . As a result, this trickles down from national sport governing bodies to state/provincial associations and on to local sporting clubs that are measured by traditional ideals of gaming success. Through these measures, the development of athletes, athlete well-being and measures of safe sport contexts are not acknowledged or rewarded. Overly competitive athletes and sport contexts defined by battle become the norm.

To create inclusivity, the mechanisms that fund and reward programs must be reimagined to reflect developmental outcomes that target athlete growth, participant well-being and team community.

We have to deconstruct nepotism

The sport system has thrived on principles of nepotism, with power and influence often granted in a “circle of trust.” This “in-group” is defined by men, for men. Individuals outside the group do not reap the benefits.

As new leagues provide opportunities that are particularly relevant to girls in sport, they face male-centric programming structures that favor the old guard. The traditional foundation of providing the long-standing teams and leagues with the best times and facilities inherently privileges boys’ programs that have been offered for longer periods of time. These offerings are masked with conditions of “commitment” and “preference,” which send new and equitable leagues the message that their programming is of lesser quality and therefore receives second-class resourcing.

Principles of equity must take priority when scheduling and facility use is coordinated among clubs in a district. Each program should have the opportunity to vie for prime-time programming positions and the process should not be governed by the established in-group. Challenge municipalities to reconsider their decision-making teams to actively foster change.

We must overhaul policies favoring dominance, privilege

Male-centric dominance and privilege characterizes control over the definition of sport and performance in national sport governing bodies.

Across the globe, to get funding and support from governments, an organization or league must be registered as a National Sport Governing Body or National Sport Organization (e.g. canada.ca). These organizations are primarily responsible for high performance development and must actively reflect the needs of both girls/boys and men’s/women’s sport. Theoretically, this requirement defines equality, as (binary) girls and boys are effectively represented, but in practice, this prerequisite for national level recognition and reward makes it nearly impossible for progressive leagues (e.g., Canada Girls Baseball) to thrive and grow.

To create meaningful change, the male-centric ideals that define the allocation of national governing status in sport must be stripped away. Look at the policies that define sport programming and ensure we are allowing new and innovative models of programming (e.g., programming that doesn’t filter directly to high-performance sport, programming that provides a foundation of life skills, fun, and physical literacy), rather than squashing these innovations with red tape and old-fashioned ideals.

Now is the time to rebuild, but first, imagine

Imagine a world where we could adjust combat and elitism to focus on community and balance. Replace dominance and privilege with inclusion.

Within this new sport world, what could you build?

Shannon Kerwin is an associate professor at Brock University in St. Catherines, Ontario. This piece is crafted in partnership with The Collective Think Tank: a global consortium of academic minds and industry leaders focused on gender parity and improving diversity. The collaboration is led by The Collective, Wasserman’s women-focused division.

Questions about OPED guidelines or letters to the editor? Email editor Jake Kyler at jkyler@sportsbusinessjournal.com

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