Charlotte Sports Business Fellowship: Adrian Rudisell

23XI Racing

During his time at 23XI, Adrian worked in both the account management and sales side of partnerships. He contributed to projects such as aiding with the Dr Pepper Tuition scholarship selection process, updating race weekend production schedules and brainstorming activation strategies for current and potential sponsors.

Adrian Rudisell

Age: 21

Born: Salisbury, N.C.

College: Catawba College

Fellowship organization: 23XI Racing

Best piece of advice this summer: “Never focus on being the best, always focus on becoming better.” Meaning, I should never stop being willing to learn something new and become content with where I’m at.

Most satisfying aspect of the experience: Seeing my work, whether it was a project I started or a site-visit tour, come to life. It is truly rewarding having a project start from an idea and then become real, right in front of your eyes.

Most challenging aspect of the transition from school to work: Understanding that there is no rubric for the projects that you work on. This was difficult because I had to be extra proactive and diligent with my work in order for me to submit it in a timely manner while still being high-quality work.

One word to describe the fellowship experience: Growth.

Expected achievement after 10 years: To have been able to give back to youth sports in my community. The age in which kids are able to compete in youth sports is such a critical time in their development. Being able to financially support these programs will give these kids access to different opportunities, safer equipment, and more access to transformative coaches.

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