Early start, lack of U.S. leads to sharp drop for Women’s World Cup finale

Telemundo drew 401,000 viewers for Spain-England, down 75% from 1.6 million four years ago for U.S.-Netherlands Getty Images

Fox averaged 1.66 million viewers for Spain’s win over England in the FIFA Women’s World Cup final on Sunday morning (6am ET start), down 88% from four years ago, when the U.S. beat the Netherlands (started closer to 11am). Eight years ago from Canada, the U.S.-Japan finale drew 25.4 million viewers on Fox. Back in 2011, the Japan-U.S. finale averaged 13.5 million on ESPN from Germany. Meanwhile, Telemundo drew 401,000 viewers for Spain-England, down 75% from 1.6 million four years ago for U.S.-Netherlands. The 401,000 viewers marked the fifth-best audience for the 2023 tourney on Telemundo, and best for a non-primetime match.

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