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Franchise leaders discuss varying approaches to transit, parking for fans

Transit and parking plans -- and how different teams take different approaches -- were in focus during an afternoon panel on Day 1 of the AXS Drive conference in St. Louis. “We're a largely a suburban fan base who largely drives, despite the fact that we're in one of the richest transit areas in the country,” said Mets VP/Transportation Strategies L.J. Nassivera. “And that needs to change, or at least needs to, strategy-wise, needs to be thought about some more.” The Mets are just one example of how teams are giving this area more attention. “Transportation is becoming the first and last impression of the fan experience, the fan journey,” said Hassan Madhoun, principal at advisory firm Mobilitas Group. “It’s becoming more and more important when teams are now venturing into more of a mixed-use, urban dense area where you don't have dedicated parking and you've got multiple tenants, multiple user groups.”

POWER MOVES: Electric vehicle charging stations were also discussed, but with the new NYCFC soccer stadium being built next door at Willets Point, plus other issues, the Mets are taking a deliberate approach. “Our problem, at the moment, is this prospect of potentially massive construction development that's going to be on our site, and the challenges with running power out to the parking lots,” Nassivera said. He also noted the venue’s location in Eastern Queens, which is isolated. “Will these actually benefit the community?” he asked. “Will it just be unused 200 days out of the year?" But out in the Bay Area, Chase Center GM Donna Daniels was more bullish on the concept. “We're actually in the process of tripling the EV chargers that are currently on site for us,” she noted. “We're also partnered with corporate partnerships.”

PUBLIC PARTNERS: The Warriors are also partnering with mass transit to embed travel tickets into team tickets. “It was part of what we committed to the city when we opened up Chase Center,” Daniels said. “So, your event ticket or your game ticket is your (public transit) ticket. … You can enjoy San Francisco and get on as many muni rides as you want. … We're also in a residential community right next to a hospital, so we want to be the best neighbors that we can. And this program helps us be the best neighbor we can.”

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