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'Ladies of the Kraken' fan group helping team broaden fanbase

The “Ladies of the Kraken” private Facebook fan group is “somewhat of a marketing dream for a fledgling Kraken team” looking to “broaden its fan base beyond traditional white male NHL demographics while forging deeper connections within the community,” according to Geoff Baker of the SEATTLE TIMES. Ladies of the Kraken is the “second largest all-women’s fan club of its kind in any NHL city with nearly 7,000 members.” Beyond "staging charity fundraisers," Ladies of the Kraken “host fan gatherings at games, watch parties from other locations, volunteer for team holiday toy drives and partake in an online community where women can discuss hockey without the chauvinism and outright hostility they sometimes encounter when men get involved on other sports sites.” The concept behind the group was created by Stacey Nutini, a Las Vegas resident who “formed a Ladies of the Knight fan group for women supporters” of the Golden Knights three years ago. After a “huge response the group’s first season-plus of operation,” Nutini expanded to versions for all 32 NHL teams. She said that Seattle’s membership is “second highest behind the 14,000 for Vegas.” Ladies of the Kraken moderator Maile Zahand said that membership “jumped by 1,000 during the playoff run alone.” Zahand: “The main thing about the group is that no question is too dumb to ask. There’s a safe space for women to feel comfortable” (SEATTLE TIMES, 9/20).

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