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NYC Marathon app boasts upgrades ahead of race

Fans and spectators have a host of improved ways to track runners in Sunday’s TCS New York City Marathon. The marathon app this year added five cameras at various points on the course to see runners pass, and includes improved tracking due to additional timing mats. It will also have an uninterrupted live stream of the pro races, with commentary from Olympians Des Linden and Galen Rupp and Paralympian Amanda McGrory.

New Balance is sponsoring five screens where runners at the start and fans on the course can upload videos. And Mastercard holders at the finish line in Central Park will have access to earpiece radios to listen to the live broadcast.

“This experience of following it -- whether it’s in person, on television or on the app -- will only whet that appetite even further to get in the race,” said Rob Simmelkjaer, CEO of New York Road Runners. “This really has been the hottest ticket in town here in New York all year.”

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