NHL criticized for handling of Fleury's Native American-themed mask

It “remains to be seen” if the NHL will “come down and dish out punishment” to Wild G Marc-Andre Fleury for wearing a Native American-themed mask on Friday, but various reports have indicated that he will “emerge, deservedly, unscathed,” according to J.J. Adams of the Vancouver PROVINCE. The situation with Fleury "once again has laid bare the NHL’s image issue and inability to get out of its out way” following last season when several NHL players "refused to wear commemorative jerseys on Pride nights." NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman’s “elephant gun solution was to ban all commemorative jerseys" this season, "in essence scrapping any worthy cause from being celebrated.” But while the NHL was “threatening Fleury with a big stick in one hand, it was patting” Panthers G Sergei Bobrovsky and Kraken G Philipp Grubauer “on the back with the other" for their lavender Hockey Fights Cancer masks. It is a “pick-and-choose, mealymouthed approach” to this issue. Adams: "Bettman and Co. don’t think. They react. Anyone with a lick of common sense could have seen this as an opportunity instead of an affront. Or maybe that’s the point." The NHL “constantly boasts about its efforts to be more inclusive and diverse," but it has "repeatedly shown it’s not as flexible and accepting as it claims to be” (Vancouver PROVINCE, 11/25).

MAKE AN EXCEPTION: USA TODAY’s Mike Freeman wrote Fleury’s mask is “something a league like the NHL should instantly back.” Freeman: “It's caring. It's honorable. It shows that players and the league respect different people and cultures.” It should be “impossible to screw up” yet the NHL “did just that.” It is “impossible to know exactly” but it seems that “only after the story became public and the NHL was blasted for its heartlessness that the threat of a fine was rescinded.” What the NHL apparently did in threatening both Fleury and the Wild was "so over the top that it was heartless and cruel.” The NHL “looked like a league run by robots that didn't understand its players are human.” It “didn't seem to realize, until it was forced to do so by being embarrassed, that it should make exceptions for acts of genuine kindness and support.” By handling this in an “embarrassingly awkward way,” the league is “telling certain communities, and certain people, that the NHL isn't for everyone.” It is “understandable” that there is a “small part of the NHL wanting to control what appears on the equipment of its players, even if that control is over-the-top.” Some players would “abuse the process,” and it could “potentially become ugly.” That is a “true dilemma” the NHL and other leagues face, however, the NHL can “easily make exceptions, and they can without being shamed into it” (USA TODAY, 11/26).

SOMETHING LACKING: In N.Y., Larry Brooks wrote under the header, “NHL continues to reveal total lack of convictions.” The NHL is a “business” and it “should not be expected to lead a moral crusade.” But the NHL "itself adopted -- and fairly cloaked itself -- under the 'Hockey is for Everyone' banner." Now the policy-makers have “displayed a lack of courage when individual players wish to do their part in supporting the cause.” There is a “lack of moral courage emanating from Ninth Avenue, where the folks up top not only do not have the courage of their convictions, but no convictions at all” (N.Y. POST, 11/26).

POPULARITY CONTEST: The GLOBE & MAIL’s Cathal Kelly wrote the issues around cause-themed gear "started with Pride jerseys," but the NHL is the “only major league in which such an effort was attempted." Nobody in charge in the NFL, MLB or NBA is "suggesting the players wear Pride jersey” and “no player in those leagues is calling for that to happen.” There is "no Pride tape-style controversy anywhere else because nobody wants to start one.” But in the NHL’s “collective mind, celebrations of the military, the fight against breast cancer, shilling for gambling apps and the struggle for gay rights are all the same thing: popular.” The league “hears people talking about them” and it “wants in on that energy.” Kelly: "What do you do when you’re promoting something that you don’t really care about one way or another, but thought was a big winner for you, which has now turned into a huge loser? You reverse course." That is “where the NHL is now” and it “doesn’t know where it’s headed.” That kind of “low-grade panic is how you get a decision like the one to thwart Fleury’s winning gesture” (GLOBE & MAIL, 11/26).

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