A rthur Blank was looking up out the window. In his suite at the Wynn hotel in Las Vegas during Super Bowl Week, my colleague, Ben Fischer, and I were talking with Blank when he suddenly seemed distracted. Squinting, with a pained looked of concern, he said, “Boy, they go straight, straight up, don’t they? Wow.” Ben and I turned around to see that he was staring at the planes taking off from Harry Reid International Airport and the startling view of the jumbo jets elevating higher and higher into the clouds, while changing course. It was dramatic, and you could tell it startled him by the worried look on his face.
There are a lot of ways you can take this, but as I thought about it later, it made sense and was consistent with my experiences with him over the years. Blank, who will receive Sports Business Journal’s Lifetime Achievement Award in New York on May 22, was demonstrating genuine concern — this time for the airplane and the people in it.
It’s what I have seen firsthand over the years, including Blank repeatedly asking about my late brother, Mark, amid his battle with prostate cancer, which Blank has successfully fought. He always remembered Mark’s name and the details of his condition, which amazed me considering the orbit in which Blank operates. But people close to him routinely mention his remarkable skill of knowing the names of those important to them: It’s not just, “How’s your family?” It’s, “How is X and how is your daughter Y?”
He is wired to care about people. He listens, and that afternoon in Las Vegas, he continually came back to the people who affected him or those he wants to affect. I wrote in my notes that afternoon “heart,” as it’s Blank’s tender heart that drives him, the way he leads and the way he gives.
Then there is the story of the successful business leader, and what a story it is . Those close to him all cite his keen ability to get to the heart of issues faster than most. He doesn’t get tangled up in worthless details or minutiae. He knows where the focus should be and gets after that. When he identifies a need or an opportunity, don’t get in his way, as there is little that will stop his pursuit of what’s next. He wants honesty — tell him the bad news as quickly as possible.
Then there is his attention to detail and responsiveness. If you send Blank a note, be prepared for a response sooner than you ever imagined. Some worry that his always-on work ethic isn’t healthy for him, but they admit that he won’t let business or operations lag and the machine won’t slow because of him.
Then there his love of his community. Remember, Blank is not from Atlanta; he was born in Queens, lived in California and moved to Atlanta in 1978. His focus on Atlanta and all that he has done for that city’s downtown, even when he could have made more lucrative decisions elsewhere, should never be overlooked.
But let’s be clear: Blank is no saint. He is a demanding leader and boss. He is complex. He needs to be in control. He can be a pain in the ass. He expects answers. He is meticulous and expects exemplary attention to detail. He is known to be extremely tough in budget meetings and always pushes his management team by stressing, “We’re capable of more.” He remembers everything — good and bad. That can make for a challenging work environment; but executives admit the tough love makes them much better and it’s all balanced by Blank’s personal approach.
That personal approach is evident in the stories of those who have worked for Blank, whether at The Home Depot or any of his properties at AMB Sports and Entertainment. Here are two examples: An executive was on an initial interview with him and reluctant to change jobs. But sitting in a van in Blank’s driveway, the two began a deep, free-flowing conversation, so engaged they didn’t even go into Blank’s house for hours. The candidate was surprised, as Blank asked about the person’s well-being, family and what was important to them. There wasn’t any conversation on business, revenue or organizational structures. The candidate had prepared for hours about growth ideas, but found Blank’s personal interest so rare and so refreshing that they immediately decided if they were offered the job, they would relocate to Atlanta. Another executive remembers the first interview with Blank being about philosophy and family, with Blank saying at the end, “What matters most to me is who you are.”
That’s why, despite being so demanding, there is such loyalty to Blank. Look throughout his company and you’ll see plenty of executives who have been with him for 20 to 30 years. They will say Blank truly supports his staff, has their backs, cares about what’s important to them and allows them to live their values — and feel valued. That’s one of his many unique talents. Arthur Blank has truly led a meaningful life and will leave the world a much better place. This issue is a tribute to his work, his heart and his life.
Abraham Madkour can be reached at amadkour@sportsbusinessjournal.com.