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NHL Utah receives 34,000 deposits ahead of tickets going on sale this week

Delta Center was packed out for an NHL welcome event for the new team back in April getty images

The new Utah-based NHL franchiseowned by Smith Entertainment Group and set to begin play in the 2024-25 season has received more than 34,000 ticket deposits, according to the franchise’s Chief Commercial Officer Chris Barney. Barney, who serves in the same role for the Jazz, said 92% of those who placed hockey ticket deposits are not Jazz season-ticket holders and 63% haven’t attended any events at Delta Center in the past year. The team, which will play in Salt Lake City, has received deposits from all over Utah, other states within driving distance, and even as far as the East Coast. 

Barney also provided updated estimates on seating capacity for hockey at Delta Center, which was built exclusively with basketball in mind and will be renovated to accommodate hockey over the next few years. For the 2024-25 season, he estimated there will be up to 16,000 seats, including 10,000 with full views of the ice and 6,000 with obstructed views.  

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The number of obstructed-view seats available will vary by game, and the team doesn’t plan to sell full season-ticket packages for those seats. Barney said the team landed on this approach -- more details of which will be available later -- after consulting with the Islanders, who dealt with similar sightline issues during their three full and two partial seasons at Barclays Center. 

“The goal is to ensure the best possible experience, while also maintaining some fan-friendly pricing and some accessibility options,” Barney said. “That's why we're thinking that it won't be a full [41-game] slate right now [for the partial-view seats].” 

MORE: Chris Armstrong to be NHL Utah's top hockey decision-maker

Pricing for season tickets will start at $44 per game, and Barney said the average price for NHL tickets will be higher than the average for Jazz tickets based on the smaller seating capacity for hockey. The team will begin hosting open houses at Delta Center beginning today so fans can experience the view of the rink from each section of the arena. On June 7, deposit-holders with the highest priority (based on when they placed their deposits) will be able to purchase seats.

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