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White Sox broadcaster Stone plans to remain in booth 'beyond next season'

Steve Stone wants to continue analyzing White Sox games "as long as he’s breaking things down at the same standard that has earned him endearment and respect from Cubs and Sox audiences for 37 years" Getty Images

White Sox TV analyst Steve Stone “plans on analyzing Sox games even beyond next season” despite a tough year for the team on the field, according to Daryl Van Schouwen of the CHICAGO SUN-TIMES. Stone said he “never put a time frame on it.” He added, “One of the things you evaluate is, do I really enjoy what I’m doing? The answer is yes. I truly love what I’m doing.” Van Schouwen noted Stone, 77, now “wants to broadcast as long as he’s breaking things down at the same standard that has earned him endearment and respect from Cubs and Sox audiences for 37 years.” Stone: “I feel like I can still do it on a high level. I want to do this for a while longer. I would like to see this team get a little bit better. Lack of performance in a performance-driving industry is difficult to deal with, but we have wonderful people to deal with.” Stone “treasures the opportunity” White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf gave him to stay in Chicago after he left the Cubs. He added that he “respects and admires Reinsdorf’s loyalty and behind-the-scenes generosity and enjoys his company on occasion” (CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, 8/19).

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