The city of Oakland and African American Sports and Entertainment Group “signed a final purchase and sale agreement” of the city's 50% share of Oakland Coliseum Saturday evening, according to Sarah Ravani of the S.F. CHRONICLE. The deal requires AASEG to “pay the city in installments” -- $15M in September, another $15M due in November. AASEG has then agreed to pay $33M in January and $42M “when the sale is complete -- no later than June 30, 2026” -- according to the purchase agreement. Last month, the A’s agreed to sell their share of the Coliseum to AASEG for $125M. The A’s bought Alameda County’s ownership of the Coliseum in 2019 and “have been paying off the county in installments.” The dual ownership of the site “has complicated its future.” On Thursday evening, AASEG and the A’s signed a final agreement to move forward on the sale. AASEG paid the A’s a $2M deposit. The arrangement allows the city “to avoid” $63M in cuts that would otherwise “have been needed to narrow its budget deficit for the next fiscal year.” ASSEG founder & President Ray Bobbit said that any construction at the site “will probably take at least a decade and will be done in phases” (S.F. CHRONICLE, 8/31).
Oakland, AASEG finalize Oakland Coliseum sale agreement