As MLB pursues new media options following ESPN’s opt out, the “best bet” might be to “chop up the ESPN package into several different packages,” according to Alex Sherman of This can “possibly attract Netflix and any streamer looking to copy the Netflix strategy.” It is also “still possible MLB can recoup its money if it’s able to deftly slice and dice its media rights.” If Netflix wants to “shell out hundreds of millions of dollars on programming,” it would “rather spend it on a new TV series it can own and monetize for years to come, rather than on renting sports.” Netflix would find owning an “event” appealing as it would be “a way to bring people to the service.” Sources said that events like the Home Run Derby and wild card games “may have some interest to Netflix.” Sources added that 30 regular season baseball games “are not an event and are of no interest to Netflix.” MLB will likely have to “run the math to figure out if it can get more money by separately selling the Home Run Derby, the playoff games, and the regular seasons, or if a buyer will pay up for all three.” By at least “threatening to carve up the rights,” MLB “may be able to convince a buyer to pony up more money for the entire package” (, 2/27).
MLB’s search for new media rights deal could lead to split packages