Shaun White’s Snow League made its debut this weekend in Aspen and Saturday’s finals “appeared to be well attended.” White stated that they had “reached their attendance goal,” but the Snow League did not immediately provide ticket sales or attendance information. There was “some empty space in the general admission corral at the bottom of the halfpipe” -- which itself appeared to be a “smaller space than it has been for X Games events -- but was still crowded and fans lined both sides of the halfpipe.” The Snow League Club, a three-story temporary luxury structure hosting VIPs, sold out. White said, “We’re pretty packed, I’m thrilled” (ASPEN DAILY NEWS, 3/9).
Snowboarder Elizabeth Hosking said, “Formats are definitely confusing at first, but now, I’m starting to get used to it. I think everyone is learning. But it’s super fun out here. Everyone is very, very happy about this change, and everyone is super excited” (ASPEN TIMES, 3/8).