Suns G Steve Nash recently enlisted Lola Schnabel, daughter of artist and filmmaker Julian Schnabel, to shoot "a self-styled Web ad" for Nike called "Training Day," according to Adam Thompson of the WALL STREET JOURNAL. Nash, who earns about $1M per year from the company, received "little input on the shoot from Nike, ... although the company provided one of the two cameras and edited the piece." There was "little financial risk to Nike, since the campaign would require no ad buy," and a Nike spokesperson said that the company has "no problems with [Nash's] ad and welcomes other athletes to follow in his footsteps." Thompson notes Nash's ad comes after Raptors F Chris Bosh's recent self-shot online video in which he "used the persona of a ... used-car salesman to ask fans to vote him into the [NBA] All-Star Game." Both videos were done "on the cheap," as Bosh's shoot took only an hour and cost $20. In the week after his ad debuted on YouTube, Bosh "saw an 86% jump in his All-Star votes." Bosh now has his own "brand channel" on the Web site that "pays him 55% of ad revenue earned there," becoming the "only athlete with that arrangement" with the site ( WALL STREET JOURNAL, 1/17 ).