Bucs GM Jason Licht Putting His Hair On The Line For A Good Cause

Licht was encouraged by his kids to shave his head should the Bucs raise over $100,000 GETTY IMAGES

The Buccaneers on Monday will host their 6th annual Cut for a Cure campaign that benefits the Tampa-based National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, and Bucs GM JASON LICHT could be sporting a new hair style after the event. That's because Licht has promised to shave his head if the team raises at least $100,000. The Bucs in ’17 raised $75,000 as players and team staff had their heads shaved and hair dyed by pediatric cancer patients. Licht had not been directly involved with the initiative in the past but said this year “hit a little bit closer to home” as Bucs assistant coach CHAD WADE 's 9-year-old son, BO , has Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare bone cancer. Licht told his family earlier this year that he might “get his hair cut for Bo” this year, and his kids thought it was a great idea. In fact, Licht's oldest son, CHARLIE , wants to get his own head shaved. The fifth-year GM is sure his wife BLAIR knows he is not going to look good with the new cut and he predicted he is “going to look awkward with a white top” and a tan face. Licht: “I don’t have a head that’s conducive to baldness.”

BIG DEAL FOR THE ORGANIZATION : Licht said everyone in the Buccaneers organization rallies around Cut for a Cure. Players “really get into” supporting the event, he said, and plenty have joked with him about losing his hair. Licht is not sure if his pledge made more people get involved, but noted he still has the weekend and Monday morning to “recruit a few more” participants. Bucs COO BRIAN FORD , who will shave his head for the sixth year as part of the effort, said the main thing the team can do with Cut for a Cure is bring awareness to pediatric cancer. Ford also said the campaign is “not just a one-and-done.” The team has plans for more events with affected families throughout the year at training camp, games and more. Licht added, “Anything that brings everybody together for a great cause, I don’t see how you can turn it down.” Donations for the Cut for a Cure campaign are being accepted online through Monday .

HAIR TODAY, GONE TOMORROW :  Licht might not be the only person sporting a radically different hairdo. After announcing his intentions to shave his head, Licht got into a friendly Twitter conversation with TREVOR SIKKEMA , a reporter for the Buccaneers-centric PewterReport.com, about participating in the event. Licht offered to donate an extra $500 if Sikkema, who sports a man bun, would cut his hair too.

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