FIFA Approves Use of SPT2 GPS Tracking Devices in International Soccer

Australian wearable device manufacturer Sports Performance Tracking has received approval from FIFA that allows players to wear its SPT2 GPS tracking system during games. The company’s technology aims to help coaches track player performance and monitor load management. 

The SPT2 GPS tracking device fits into a vest that a player can wear underneath their jersey. The device can record the total distance a player travels during a game, the top speed, the time spent sprinting, and can construct a map showing the time spent in specific areas of the field. The data can be viewed in real-time through the GameTraka mobile app or the Vistual Sports Scientist analysis platform, which are both powered by SPT. 

SPT’s certificate of approval came after the company met FIFA’s international match standard for electronic performance and tracking systems—which includes requirements regarding player safety, performance, durability, quality assurance and playing comfort.

According to SPT, its products have been used across 100 countries. The company has previously focused on providing its devices to the semi-professional and youth sports market. The company’s roster of soccer clients include Australian pro-team Eastern Lions SC, as well as many college and high school programs such as Lehigh University and Northern Valley Old Tappan High School in New Jersey. It now plans to add FIFA’s IMS logo to new SPT2 devices to denote their approved status.

“Getting FIFA approval is a huge step for SPT. We’re extremely proud to be able to provide affordable technology that also meets International Standards to schools, colleges, amateur and semi-professional teams all over the world,” SPT COO Steven Bladeni said in a press release.

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