INFLCR Founder & CEO JIM CAVALE believes that time is the most important asset. Thus, he schedules and scripts out his day to the minute in his calendar, so that when he wakes up before the sun, he already has a script for all he wants to accomplish. Cavale takes time every morning to think about his larger purpose, and then lives his personal life and runs INFLCR -- a SaaS platform which helps colleges, sports teams and athletes store, track and deliver content -- in accordance with that larger purpose. Recently, he carved out some time to talk THE DAILY through a jam-packed Monday.
5:00am: I typically get up a good hour before my kids start waking up or my wife is even up. It’s really the foundation for my entire day. I’m reading, praying, just really having 60 minutes of quiet time. That first part of the day is where I’m thinking the biggest, like way bigger than my life, like I’m thinking legacy-type stuff, and then, from there, it’s kind of like every second gets more granular.
6:00am: I help my wife get my kids up. I’ve got a wide range of kids: A 17-year-old who’s a junior at Hoover High School, a 6-year-old who’s in kindergarten and another who’s 8 and in second grade.
7:00am: I head to my workout. I have about a 25-minute commute from where I live, so usually, I’ve got a podcast in. I try not to do calls because I’m not working yet.
7:30am: One great thing about my gym class is that it’s guaranteed to be over in 45 minutes. It’s created for high-performing, busy people, which most people at my gym are. GREG SANKEY and I work out at the same gym. Fitness and diet and just the holistic part of that is a real big thing for me.
8:15am: I head to a club here in town that’s right next to my office. Because I have a 25-minute commute, I keep a locker of clothes there.
9:30am: I start my day late. My whole philosophy is: These first 4 1/2 hours are the foundation for everything I’m about to do from 9:30-6:30, and so, when I get to the office, I have tons of energy. I’m coming in and I’m ready to roll. I’ll do a good hour of email catch-up, slack catch-up, just getting back to those who reached out to me the previous day.
10:30am: We have a leadership meeting that reports are funneled into, so I can go into other meetings with data from my marketing leader, my sales leader, my operations leader, my technology leader and my client success leader.
11:00am: Our entire team is together. At that time, we do a quick team meeting where anybody can do what’s called a “positive focus,” where they talk about one thing they’re positive about personally or professionally. It’s a chance for everyone to know what’s going on in each other’s lives and make it more personal.
11:30am-1:00pm: I’ll usually have some things scheduled in my calendar for in-person meetings or calls.
1:00pm: I’ll have my first meal and open my “window” for eating for the day. I try to eat during a six- to eight-hour window, so that the other 16 to 18 hours, my body is basically in a caloric-burning state.
2:00-4:00pm: This is my creative time. I have an amazing COO who’s helping me with really everything I’m doing and she’s leading the team, leading a lot of my direct reports and her’s, which frees me up to continue to be in creation mode.
4:00-5:30pm: I’ll have my next set of meetings. If I don’t have meetings set up in these blocks, I use that time to proactively communicate with random athletic directors from our clients at the college level and athletes from the tens-of-thousands in our user community.
5:30-6:30pm: I’m answering texts and emails and slack one last time and then I’m getting in the car and heading back to the house.
7:00pm: We eat dinner late in my house because the kids have ball and practice and all different things going on. We try to sit down and eat together every night, especially with me being gone 20% of the year. When I’m there, we try to make the most of it. My mother-in-law lives with us and really helps take care of the kids, so that’s how they get from school to practice unless their older sister takes them because she also helps out a lot.
8:00-8:30pm: I get 30 really good minutes with my kids. I’m able to put them to bed, say their prayers with them, talk more about their day, the next day ahead.
8:30-9:30pm: Usually, I have two books going: One biography and one business book or some sort of leadership book. For example, right now I’m reading, “Play Bigger,” and “That Will Never Work."
9:30pm: If I’m tired, I’ll go to bed. But a lot of times, I’ll watch one of the few shows that I actually get into TV-wise. Right now, that’s “Ray Donovan.”
10:30pm: I’ll usually get to sleep, and I’ll get 6 1/2 to seven hours of good rest.
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