Bulls Exec VP/Basketball Operations John Paxson not only would "consider stepping aside from his role and act more as an adviser to the Reinsdorfs when the front-office restructuring is finalized, but he would be willing to leave the organization entirely if ownership and the new-look executive group deemed it better for the rebuild to continue," according to a source cited by Joe Cowley of the CHICAGO SUN-TIMES. Paxson's patience has been "pushed to the limit in the last few season, especially when it comes to the perception of the job he has done by outsiders." Bulls Chair Jerry Reinsdorf's "loyalty is unprecedented in professional sports," and if he "wants Paxson to stay -- in some capacity -- no matter who is hired, the new brass will have to agree, no questions asked" (CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, 4/8). In Chicago, K.C. Johnson wrote the perception that Paxson "will be some hovering presence, going kicking and screaming into the night, is simply wrong." Paxson earlier this season "communicated his vision to ownership for a new-look, more modern front office," and he "initiated some of this need for change." Bulls President & COO Michael Reinsdorf "likely would have arrived at the same conclusion anyway and has taken the reins on addressing the issue." What is "getting lost sometimes in this story -- but is perhaps the most significant aspect to it -- is the fact the Bulls are going outside their organization to hire a new head of basketball operations." Johnson: "That is unprecedented" (NBCSPORTSCHICAGO.com, 4/7).
Sources: Bulls' Paxson To Consider Leaving Role To Help Rebuild