Take a moment and do this quick test. Sit in a chair, arms to your sides, and look behind you to one side without rotating your shoulders. Take note of the farthest point you can see. Now face forward again and reset your body.
Going to the same side: Raise that arm so it is parallel to the ground and then bend the elbow to form the shape of an L. Look behind you again. If you can see farther than before, you have a muscular imbalance in your posture, meaning you’re too forward-leaning.
This is the test that chiropractor Todd Sinett put me through when I visited his Tru Whole Care office in midtown Manhattan (before the pandemic struck) to talk about back pain, which doesn’t discriminate whether you’re an athlete or a desk jockey in a team’s front office. Because I have a lot of back issues stemming from old sports injuries, but also because I spend several hours a day hunched over looking at my laptop and phone, I had a severe imbalance. To combat that, Dr. Sinett had me lie down on his backbridge , which works to decompress the spine and restore balance to posture—a requirement to get out of pain.
About 80% of adults in the U.S. will experience back pain at some point in their lives, according to research done at the National Institutes for Health. Dr. Sinett’s approach, reflected in the title of his latest book, seems counterculture to everything we think about fitness: Sit-ups Are Stupid and Crunches Are Crap . Here’s what he had to say about that and more…
Everything we know about fitness puts abs on a pedestal as the holy grail. Good luck getting on a magazine cover without them, right? Are you serious or just trying to turn heads with that title?
For the past 15 to 20 years, I’ve been screaming at the top of my lungs that someone should never do sit-ups or crunches. So the first reaction I get to that is complete disbelief. I’ve been getting it from the professional athletes and getting it from the bodybuilders, and I’ve been getting it from the person who wants to get in shape and have a flat-looking stomach. After I work with them, the vast majority of people I’m able to convince them that my theories hold some water.
The first part of the book is why you should never do sit-ups and crunches, why they’re harmful for you. Again, I’m telling you your core is too strong. And it doesn’t help that we’re all on our phones, hunched forward. The second part of the book is how you can get those abs, but ab exercises are only a piece of this. If your percentage of body fat is too high, or if your waist size is over 34 inches for a male, you’re never going to see them because your gut is too big. So if you want your six-pack abs, you have to lower your percentage of body fat. And that’s all based on your waist size.
You believe that people have a misconception about their core muscles…
Everyone walks around thinking their core is weak. We’re meant to be standing up straight, but if we’re going to stand up straight, the front needs to pull equally and the back needs to pull up equally—like two sides of a tent. You have to have the right amount of pull on the front of a tent and on the back of a tent for it to stand up straight. If you have too much pull on the front, the tent pulls forward. With posture, what are we seeing all the time? People are leaning forward.
I see this from athletes. I see this from office workers. It means that muscles are getting short, contracted and overtight. And the spine is going into too much of a forward posture. The muscular system is compressing the vertebrae, everything is getting smushed—we’re literally losing height. So what we need to do is to stretch, lengthen, and decompress the spine.
Is your primary focus athletes? Office workers? What’s the scope of your focus?
There’s this epidemic of back pain and it’s completely worldwide. It goes through all different age groups. All we do is spend more and more money to diagnose and treat back pain, and all we keep doing is having more and more back pain. So ideally when you have such a situation, you would expect the experts to come together and realize that we’re failing … but everyone’s declaring that it’s just a natural progression of back pain, right? Everyone has it, and it’s just a natural progression. I’m like, ‘Hey, we’re missing it.’ And I say we because I’m a chiropractor. So chiropractors are missing it, physical therapists are missing it, and spinal surgeons are missing it. We’re missing it because we’re not all aware of the three different sources of back pain: structural, digestive and emotional.
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You want the spine surgeons to make sure that a person is completely balanced out with the diet nutrition, completely balanced out with the emotions of stress first before they cut somebody. A spinal surgeon could be the greatest gift to mankind for a particular back pain patient, and that could be the missing piece for that person. But we’re not doing a great job figuring out where patients should be and what treatments they should be getting. And that’s the problem because our treatments are based on who you see is what you get. So if you go to a chiropractor, they’re going to adjust you. If you go to a physical therapist, they’re going to do exercises. You go to your primary care doctor, you’re going to get anti-inflammatories. You go to a spine surgeon, they’re going to give you a whole bunch of strong medication, injections or surgery.
How do you go about figuring out where someone is based on that three-part rubric?
Take an offensive lineman and take a wide receiver, two body types that are completely different, right? Both of them need to be in balance structurally. Both of them need to be in balance emotionally. And both of them need to be balanced nutritionally. And those three things can be different for each person, and with different percentages.
I created questionnaires to figure out if your back pain is structural, nutritional or emotional. And based off the score of these simple tests, we can tell you what direction to point. Just ask questions like: How would you rate your stress levels? What’s going on in your life? Have you been undergoing any work stress? Are you suffering from financial stress? Are you handling some personal stress?
We learn about your bowel movements. Do you normally feel bloated or gassy? How do you feel after you eat certain foods and how does your digestive system react? And we ask the structural questions: Are your shoes wearing down differently? Do you feel like your head isn’t lining up with your shoulders? Do people tell you your posture is off? Are you waking up tight and stiff in the morning? If so, there’s a chance you are probably clenching your teeth.
An athletic trainer of a pro sports team once told me that he thought lower back injuries were the new ACL, meaning they were career-debilitating if not career-ending the way knee injuries used to be…
I couldn’t disagree with that more. I mean, I completely disagree with that. We’ve built this language of B.S. around back pain. One of two things are going on: Either we’re failing miserably and missing it, which is what I think’s going on, or we’re going to build a language around it to explain why it’s reasonable everyone is getting back pain. We are literally stuck in this diagnosis of B.S. and convincing a back-pain sufferer that they should have misery for the rest of their life.
I was treating a professional hockey player who was taught to take creatine protein drinks, meal replacement bars, you know, that whole sports nutrition thing, right? And that sports nutrition was upsetting his gut, and the gut was upsetting his muscular system and he kept throwing out his back. So I said you need to stop the shakes. You need to stop the drinks you need to stop the supplements. Have good, healthy, wholesome foods, mix it up. His gut calmed down. His back was never a problem again.
Back pain really is more of a symptom than a problem. And I also say that back pain is a lot of times a really good thing. It’s not such a bad thing. It’s an inflammatory process, so all we’re doing is trying to get down the inflammation in the body. So if I get your hips and your pelvis structurally aligned, or your feet aligned, we’re creating less inflammation or irritation. If we change your diet to one that’s less inflammatory, we cut down the inflammation and irritation—same thing with the emotions and stress.
Inflammation is kind of the precursor to pain. It raises cortisol levels, and increased cortisol levels creates pain. But again, the reason why I say back pain is not a bad thing is it’s basically your body’s messaging, telling you that something’s wrong, off balance. Your body is speaking a language through pain, posture, muscle testing and function—your body is telling you what’s going on.
Unfortunately, our society is telling it to shut up. We’re shutting down the messaging system. Stop shutting down the messaging system and actually listen to the messaging system. For a lot of patients, your back pain is not a bad thing. If I know that your back flares up when you’re not eating, that’s a good thing. If I know that you back flares up when you have a tremendous amount of work stress, that’s a good thing to know.
Our society also tells us we need those abs to be great athletes. But you think we have a problem with how athletes train…
We’ve created so much structural imbalance from our training methods. Everyone thinks that we need to get the core stronger, stronger, stronger. So what they do is they get the core over-contracted and so strong. But then everything is forward-leaning.
When that happens, it throws off and creates instability in the hips and pelvis. And what that leads to is non-contact injuries. We have an epidemic of non-contact injuries. It’s because we have faulty biomechanics and poor alignment. So you do a simple movement, and then you tear or rip something. And it wasn’t a simple movement that caused the underlying imbalance. The concept of balance is just so important, especially for athletes.
The backbridge is designed to restore that balance. How did you go about inventing it?
I was working with a patient back in 2002, and she happened to be a professional fitness model. And she looked the part, as toned and fit and healthy as you could ever see. But she was suffering from terrible neck and shoulder pain, and terrible low back pain. She had seen 20-some-odd doctors and she got 20 different opinions. And she was suffering every day.
And I basically asked her, ‘What’s going on, and tell me about your work?’ And she was a fitness model doing all these sit-ups and crunches on fitness videos. And they would shoot numerous shows in a day, and she would just keep doing them. So I had this theory that she had so much forward posture because she basically over-trained herself in the wrong way.
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So I grabbed a big exercise ball, one of those inflatable physioballs that are so popular, and had her lay over it, and immediately she felt a million times better. Her strength returned and her range of motion changed. Completely mind-blowing, so I just had her keep laying over the ball and her life was changed.
I knew immediately I had to create something that was much more stable. But the other problem with the ball, which I knew immediately, was that you can’t keep doing the same stretch. I needed to create a way that you could start slow and work your way up. My first premise was to basically cut up one of those balls in half, but I also wanted this arc that would coincide with the natural curvature and the alignment of the spine. The backbridge has five levels, and the key is progressive extension. There are a lot of products out there that try to fix your posture or try to get extension in your body, but not progressive extension.
What’s the message you want to leave people with?
Back pain is really not particularly complicated, and it’s not normal to have back pain—just because misery has company doesn’t mean it’s right.
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