Original Sports Content More In-Demand Now Than Ever Before

Original content is popping up more than ever and companies like game1 are taking a lead when it comes to creating that content for the sports world. Speaking during the during SBJ and Leaders' Media Innovators virtual series, game1 co-CEO Greg Economou said, “The premise of the business is obviously to be a content studio where we make feature films, scripted TV, unscripted TV, some digital and branded content and podcasts. The unique part of it, though, is our approach of going to sports entities, properties, athletes, teams, leagues, media companies, et cetera, and doing content partnerships where we team up, curate an idea, establish a partnership where we're kind of a co-producer.” When looking for content that will engage viewers, game1 co-Founder Basil Iwanyk believes there are two pillars that stand above the rest -- character and emotion. “You could watch the greatest visual effects movie in the world,” said Iwanyk. “If you don't care, it doesn't matter. You could have a story about, in sports, the greatest, most compelling team ever, but if you don't care about those characters, if you're not emotionally invested, you're not going to continue to watch.” He added, “What we at game1 want to always try to get to ... is making sports content that appeals to fans who, they're not even sports fans. People who just want to watch.”

Quick Hits:

* Iwanyk, on what difficulties arise with more athletes creating content: “There's so many athletes now who are involved in the content business, just having one attached isn't as special as it could have been two, three years ago. And so what you need to do is it needs to be a perfect combination of an athlete that fits the story, an athlete that is willing to invest in not only telling the story, but selling the story.”

* Economou, on brands becoming more involved with the filmmaking process: “Brands have to sit back and try to figure out how do we create some resonance and connection here when we don't have our traditional 30-second spots? And so, they really need to think a little bit more outside the box. ... A lot of brands (are) starting to raise their hands as almost in a way as producers themselves, where they'll come in and partner with an outfit like ours, where we can work with them to figure out how do we weave that brand into the primary content?”

* Economou, on brands' increase in wanting to create content since the pandemic started: “The losses that a lot of the properties and entities in sports saw without ticket sales and diminished sponsorship has gotten people thinking outside the box in terms of where do we find new business, new revenue.”

* Iwanyk, on companies running out of traditional sports content: “We need more, and especially sports content. As awful as the pandemic has been, and it's been devastating both personally and professionally in every little level, it has put the spotlight on this gold rush of sports content. And I just think it's going to explode and it is exploding, especially when life regains its equilibrium. But that's one thing that this was the unseen benefit of COVID hitting, for us, at least.”

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