Wisconsin's projected athletics department shortfall down to $35M

The projections include revenue of $74,560,117 and expenses of $109,552,831 for a shortfall of $34,992,714 NCAA Photos via Getty Images

The Univ. of Wisconsin's Finance, Facilities & Operations on Wednesday reported that the "projected shortfall" in the athletics department's operating budget is down to $35M, after officials in late January "projected the shortfall would be only $47 million, thanks to cost-cutting measures and the return of football and winter sports, led by men’s basketball," according to Jeff Potrykus of the MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL. The original '20-21 budget included projected revenue of $139,698,000 and expenses of $139,469,906 for a net margin of $228,094. The projections revealed Wednesday include revenue of $74,560,117 and expenses of $109,552,831 for a shortfall of $34,992,714. The revenue picture for UW and other schools "brightened because of the return of football and then men’s basketball and the NCAA Tournament." UW Associate AD/Business Operations & CFO Adam Barnes on covering the operating shortfall of $35M said, “We are encouraged by the language that was included in the Governor’s budget proposal that would provide us an opportunity to potentially borrow money from outside markets." Potrykus noted the projected '21-22 budget is "set to be addressed by the UW athletic board on April 23." That budget includes projected revenue of $128,998,717 and expenses of $128,976,502 for a net margin of $22,215 (MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL, 4/1).

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