The kind of “housecleaning" the Texas Rangers did last week is "not coming to the Cowboys," according to Tim Cowlishaw of the DALLAS MORNING NEWS. After 26 seasons of "failure to reach the NFC Championship Game," Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and EVP & CEO Stephen Jones "still think they have the secret sauce.” They "practically print money but rarely print playoff tickets.” They “bestow almost GM-like authority” on VP/Player Personnel Will McClay, “pay him handsomely not to leave Dallas for a real GM job, but can never bring themselves to place that title on him or anyone else.” If the Cowboys “had an actual GM not named Jones, that person would be front and center at news conferences, at the draft, at the combine, at league meetings,” but Jerry Jones “can’t stand for that.” It is “not a coincidence that, with rare exception, Jones meets with the media in a hallway or tunnel after every postseason game at the same time the head coach takes questions in an interview room.” The Cowboys are “Jerry’s Team and, occasionally, Jerry and Stephen’s Team.” A "housecleaning" could only come if the Joneses “were to sell their cash cow.” But the franchise “is not for sale” (DALLAS MORNING NEWS, 8/20).
Fans shouldn't expect Rangers-style housecleaning for Cowboys