Mizzou athletics turns profit following investment in students

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Mizzou sees budget surplus under first-year AD Desiree Reed-Francois

Univ. of Missouri athletics reported a budget surplus for the "first time in six years," but AD Desireé Reed-Francois "isn’t throwing a victory parade," according to Dave Matter of the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH. The athletic department “generated record revenues of more than” $141M during the 2022 fiscal year. MU also “spent a record amount of money” but the $15M “surplus marks a stark contrast from five consecutive years of operating at a deficit under past leadership.” Reed-Francois said MU “rebuilt our ticket sales force and we’ve seen some good early returns.” She added they "made an emphasis on bringing students to games" and "hired a director of student engagement." As a result, Reed-Francois said, “We’ve seen a 38% growth in student attendance. We’re trying to be innovative.” MU’s revenue and spending figures “historically have ranked near the bottom in the SEC but among the top 30 to 40 programs nationally.” Donor contributions also “increased under Reed-Francois’ watch,” from $24,589,042 to $29,512,444, as did “revenue from athletics royalties, licensing and advertising, up from less than” $1M in 2021 to nearly $8M this past year (ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 1/29).

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