Uplift Labs launches updated pitching reports to identify potential risk factors for Tommy John surgery

Uplift Labs has updated the automated pitching reports generated from its motion capture product to include Forearm Flyout, a metric many associate with increased risk of the injury that precipitates Tommy John surgery. Forearm Flyout refers to an elbow flexion of less than 90 degrees at the moment a pitcher’s front foot makes ground contact, thereby increasing the strain on the ulnar collateral ligament that requires the operation and lengthy rehab.

More than a third of MLB clubs as well as Division I college programs and baseball academies are users of Uplift Capture, the two-iPhone setup for markerless motion capture. This Version 2 pitching report also includes other notable movement patterns such as whether a pitcher’s knee collapses (making energy transfer less efficient) or whether the ball is released before the throwing hand was in front of the lead foot (which reduces extension and gives the batter more time to see the ball). Uplift is a graduate of the inaugural NBA Launchpad program and raised a combined $5.5 million in seed funding last year.

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