Bowling leagues adapt to keep regular players engaged

League bowlers have served as the bellwether for the bowling industry. At the sport’s peak, the millions of weekly participants generated as much as 80 percent of some bowling centers’ revenue.

Now, as the popularity of those leagues has declined in recent years and bowling centers focus on attracting the casual one-off bowler, where does that leave the diehards?

“While we have had some decline in certified league bowling, we’re still the largest national governing body in terms of membership under the USOC,” said Frank DeSocio, executive director of the Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America. “If you have something that millions of people are doing, you can’t think that is going away any time soon.”

As much as the experience in bowling centers is changing, so perhaps is what bowlers are looking to expect from leagues.

Traditionally, a league would run up to 32 consecutive weeks on the same night at the same time, barring conflicts with a holiday. As prize pools have risen to attract bowlers, so have costs to play in the leagues, some up to $30 to $40 a week to play three games.

Those in the sport think the experience also needs to be overhauled.

“Times have changed, people have changed, and society has changed,” said Tim Corley, president of Bowl New England. “Traditional leagues still have their place, but they also need to change to attract a new customer.”

Corley likened it to Topgolf, which took the traditional multiple hours needed to play a round of golf and gave it a new experience that was both shorter and included new elements.

“There are so many more things to do now that vie for your entertainment dollar, so we have to work hard to supplement our normal leagues,” he said. Corley’s centers have added much shorter leagues, those that use a scoring gimmick, and other learn-to-play league programs.

Chad Murphy, executive director of the United States Bowling Congress, said he’s seen the rise of leagues that might just be the first Monday of every month or offer more flexibility in terms of the day or time in which someone bowls, but still allows them to compete in the same league.

Murphy also noted that the onus also falls on centers to convert some of these new bowlers attracted by entertainment options into potential league players.

“We will grow the sport by teaching it, and I think there are proprietors around the country that understand when you take new bowlers, show them some new tips or data points on how to get better, that’s going to help convert that Saturday night bowler into someone that is more regularly playing,” he said.

While the way league competition is held hasn’t changed — typically competing against a few dozen teams from your local area — the developers of a new app hope that lowering the walls between competitors also leads to a league boost.

Called XBowling, the app allows players to compete not only in their own leagues, but in virtual ones as well, in addition to competing against other bowlers one-on-one for money.

“League bowling has a very prescribed format — in a single center competing against others in a league that is 30-plus weeks long — just looking at those two things and the trends of the culture of sports, they don’t scream out growth,” said Alex Kaminsky, the president of Sports Challenge Network and the creator of XBowling.

Kaminsky sees XBowling as a potential tool for the sport similar to what Peloton is for cycling — lowering the boundaries for participants while also providing the short-term gratification of competition and winning.

More than 10 million people bowl at least once a month, with more than 3 million a few times a week, according to XBowling data, and the hope is that the service not only drives those players but pulls more in who see the competition side of the game evolving. In the last four months, 55,000 bowlers have used the app.

“Bowling is one of the only truly place-based sports, but there hasn’t always been a ton of innovation in the sport,” Kaminsky said. “This is something that can help redefine that.”

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