Why losing your sports industry job will be the great opportunity of your life

We are first and foremost concerned with people’s lives being endangered by the coronavirus. And rightly so. May we figure out a way to slow down this pandemic and be able to move on.

We are also concerned about the economy. Employers don’t want to lay off employees, but some will have to and some already have.

I am writing to help any of those people in the sports business worried about losing their jobs. If it happens to you, it’s not the end of your life. It won’t be catastrophic. It will be much better than you could ever imagine.

You will adjust. You will figure out what to do. You will survive.

I believe you will be surprised to learn that losing your job will be one of the biggest “blessings in disguise” of your life.

You will get the chance to rethink your priorities, honestly assess if what you were doing is something you want to continue to do. You may want to start your own company, pursue a dream you always wanted to but didn’t have the courage or belief you could pull it off.

I actually believe that you will get energized by the opportunities that job loss will provide you. You will be grateful you have been given the opportunity to pursue something else.

Think of job loss as an exciting opportunity, a clean slate to create a new life for yourself. Realize that no one will think less of you if you lose your job. They will be sympathetic and want to help you. This pandemic caused you to lose your job. It wasn’t your fault.

You were going about your business, working hard, and then a cataclysmic event happened. You have no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed. No one thinks less of you.

You have every reason to believe your life will actually become more fulfilling than it ever has been. It’s your attitude that will make the difference.

You can wallow in self-pity. You can get upset. You can worry about your retirement savings and be frustrated about everything that has happened to your life because you lost your job.

But it won’t really get you anywhere to fret about it. What will take you to your highest levels will be simple discipline: Control how you think, control what you do, and believe in yourself.

Help others. Focus on that. Be a beacon of sunshine in peoples’ lives. They’ve got problems, too. They may have also lost their job. Encourage them to view their new situation as a treasure of opportunities waiting to be explored.

We’re all in this together.

Have no shame. Have faith.

You will do great things with your life, moreso than you could ever imagine.

Charles Hartley is president of Carolina Content & Media Relations Corp. (www.carolina-content.com) based in Davidson, N.C.

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