What 2020 Taught Me

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T hroughout 2020, the industry — like the rest of the world — had to pivot to adjust to new circumstances, perhaps permanently. As that dramatic year drew to a close, Sports Business Journal’s staff of writers posed a simple question to several executives across the industry: What has 2020 taught you? Their answers are presented below (lightly edited for clarity and brevity). — BY SBJ STAFF


Pat Chun , athletic director, Washington State: “For me personally, it’s better self-care. It’s OK to finish your workout and not cut it short to get into the office. It’s OK to try to get into a sleep routine and get rest. It’s OK to have longer dinners with your family and enjoy time with them more. For me and our staff, the reality is we can’t take care of others until we take care of ourselves.”


Mark Ciardi , president and CEO, Select Films: “You’ve got to answer what people want, and if you don’t then you’re missing out. There’s a shift in how people consume content, it’s just the way technology is. If you can serve them, then that’s the way it’s going to go.”


Tory Dandy , co-head and managing partner of football, CAA Sports: “In this very disconnected time, over-communication is critical. In-person meetings are replaced by Zoom, FaceTime, or phone calls. Being present is imperative, and tending to the needs of others — from clients and colleagues to team executives and beyond — needed to be reimagined.”

Charlie Dixon , executive VP/content, FS1: “The only path to happiness is to surround yourself with people who possess a hunger born from positivity. Only then can success trump a global pandemic.”

Shawn Doss , executive VP, sales and marketing, Elevate: “I have always visualized work situations, important conversations, endurance events and training sessions. Most of the time I visualize everything going well and the great feelings associated with completing my task. 2020 has taught me it is more important to visualize the same situations but focus on when things don’t go as planned and ‘pre-practice’ my reactions/emotions and action plan of how to adjust in these situations. Then once adversity hits, I am better equipped to push through it.” 

Michael Dowse , executive chairman and CEO, USTA: “I was not even in my first 100 days when the pandemic hit and I think my big learning there that was so powerful was when we formed Tennis Industry United on the tennis side and then on the professional side of tennis, quickly collaborated with the WTA and the ATP, that we’re all stronger together. Tennis has a rich history of being bifurcated and split with all these different entities, but maybe the silver lining was that the pandemic helped us all come together.”

Tim Ellis , executive VP and CMO, NFL: “We haven’t had access to players and big production crews, so we learned that we can still make highly emotional and impactful creative without having big productions. We did some great campaigns with very small crews and social distancing. It doesn’t necessarily require major production crews and big budgets to create high-impact campaigns.”

Mark Emmert , president, NCAA: “Keep your eye on those things that are the core values for your organization, for the enterprise. And you can learn an awful lot. You can learn how to be more flexible. You can learn how to be more responsive. You are forced to make decisions that you probably wouldn’t have made otherwise, figuring out which of those are working for you and which aren’t. Don’t just let the clutter of the day drive everything.”

Tom Glick , president, Tepper Sports & Entertainment: “We’ve all surely learned a different kind of resilience and patience. We had to wait for things beyond our control to sort themselves out and then adapt accordingly. And of course, just valuing relationships — business and personal — more than ever.”

Charles Greenstein , senior VP, sponsorship marketing, Bank of America: “I was not a believer in all the virtual marketing until now. I didn’t see it [as] an opportunity to deliver great, personalized marketing. But there was a craving for that content beyond my expectations. It has a great CPM and we found great participation, traction, and pull.”

Jim Huether , CEO, Hyperice: “As a leader, the value of being calm, cool and collected, and being able to constantly be a motivator and being stable in a very adverse environment. And spending a lot of time with team members that are leaders in the organization, an extra amount of time with them to make sure we are providing stability in an adverse environment. This year taught every leader that they need to prioritize how your employees are feeling day-to-day and how you can help them because there were a variety of challenges this year that were affecting people personally in all companies throughout the world.”

Stacy Johns , CFO, LAFC: “I’m not home alone working, but I have a lot of employees who are, so I made sure that I was doing right by my fellow employees and the people who work for me. With everyone being virtual, you’ve had to be very intentional with every communication, and you couldn’t just say, ‘I’ll pop by their office’ or ‘I’ll call or text them at some point.’ You had to come up with a more routine cadence of communication.”

Vanderbilt AD Candice Storey Lee “learned a lot about just the resiliency of people.” AP images

Candice Storey Lee , athletic director, Vanderbilt: “I’ve learned a lot about just the resiliency of people. People have just been tremendous in circumstances that we could have never expected. I think we talk a lot about being flexible and being adaptable and we give speeches to kids and to each other all the time, but 2020 was an opportunity to live it out and to put your money where your mouth is. And as challenging as that’s been, it’s been an opportunity to grow personally and professionally.”

Nathan Lindberg , regional VP, Twitch: “Livestreaming is a viable home for more than just gamers. In the world’s most difficult days, when people were battling isolation and depression, livestreaming has been a bright spot to connect people around the globe and give them a sense of belonging and an outlet to feel connected. The power of a two-way dialogue between content creators and their community that exists within livestreaming has allowed for people to connect over video games, live sports, music, cooking, fashion and even just chatting.”

Alex Martins , CEO, Orlando Magic: “Be more flexible than ever. In particular, how to lead a team when you are not in person with them as well as how to innovate based on learnings from COVID-19.”

Scott O’Neil , CEO, Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment: “I have learned the value of the family dinner. I have learned that complex problems can be solved with creative solutions when you have time and the right people.”

Jon Patricof , co-founder and CEO, Athletes Unlimited: “The power of aligning the athletes and the league has been just tremendous. Having the athlete voices involved at every step of the way and really aligning and putting a lot of power in the hands of the athletes has been just dramatic. And it’s highlighted for me how different that is from some of the traditional league structures.”

Mark Pieper , CEO, ISE Baseball: “Focus on the bigger picture. Most of the things we stress about in business and life are not worthy of the energy we spend on them. And sleeping in my own bed and having dinner with my family every night for the first time in 20 years is pretty cool.”

Jake Reynolds , president, New Jersey Devils:“It has proven that no matter what the environment is, no matter what the challenge that we’re facing, our core beliefs of people, process and culture ring true and drive this business. That has certainly been one of the key learnings for me. The other one has been around the power and the need to stop, listen and move forward with purpose and intent, whether that is listening to the needs of our community and leveraging the incredible platform that we have to lean in and make a meaningful difference and lift up our community.” 

Sara Slane , founder, Slane Advisory: “Even a global pandemic can’t stop sports betting’s explosive growth and people wanting to be entertained. And I can still somehow get work done while watching my two sons.”

Dasha Smith , executive VP and chief administrative officer, NFL: “This year was a testament to the dedication of the players and league and club personnel, to excel in an environment unlike any we’ve ever experienced. My first full season at the NFL taught me how the NFL family is resilient and can come together in the face of formidable challenges.” 

Warren Vigus , CEO, Clutch Studios: “Be resilient in the face of adversity while maintaining an open mind for change. Always to be willing to help others when your time, talents and resources can allow you to make a positive impact.”

Wasserman CEO Casey Wasserman focused on fundamentals and advised, “Don’t be worried about the future.” getty images

Casey Wasserman , chairman and CEO, Wasserman: “Make sure the way you operate the business is based on fundamentals that are just sound. Don’t be worried about the future, but just focused on everything today in the present. And the second piece of that is, if you have and maintain and work hard to create a culture that’s positive and supportive of the entire employee base, it allows you to manage some difficult situations. One thing that’s certain is there will always be difficult situations.”

Rod Wood , president and CEO, Detroit Lions: “2020 has taught me that you can’t really plan for the worst-case scenario, because you can’t fully forecast something no one has experienced. Having said that, it has also taught me that dealing with the worst-case scenario is easier than I imagined. Working from home for months, Zoom calls, COVID tests and protocols, no fans, etc., were all unimaginable, but we’re pulling it off.”

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