Sports Business Awards: Levi's Stadium Wins Sports Facility Of The Year

Officially, the Sports Business Award is for a given year. But for 49ers COO Al Guido, last night was a celebration for the ages. “I think we’re celebrating a decade here, there’s no question,” a beaming Guido said after Levi’s Stadium won Best Facility honors. Indeed, the stadium’s long, difficult road to opening day started in '06, a time when the odds did not look good thanks to a non-competitive football team holding down enthusiasm, an awful economic climate and intense political headwinds against public financing. But the stadium opened a year ahead of schedule. It now boasts a rejuvenated fan base, a bevy of high-profile events like WrestleMania 31 and world-renowned technology and environmentally sustainability design features. Guido spread the credit around far and wide, from every segment of the 49ers organization to its fans that lined up to buy seat licenses long before the team’s return to winning. But he also praised the Cowboys, Jets and Giants for innovating new paths to private financing. Guido wants to build a great stadium brand, but that does not happen on construction alone. It takes great events. And Guido's team has to keep aiming high and locking down top-flight events, he said. But in the meantime, “Something tells me I’m going to pour a lot of champagne into this thing,” Guido said, gesturing to the trophy.

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